A crossdresser gets a hotel room to meet her secret lover.

The fantasy is always the same. It has been the same one since I was a teenager. The details sometimes change, but the premise remains.

I check into the hotel. Not an exceptionally large and popular one, but one out of the way a little. I get to the room and drop my bag; I draw the blinds and close the curtains. I put on some soft music and start to breathe. My bag has everything in it, my clothes, my hair, my makeup, a few outfits, and some other necessary items. I go to the bathroom and run myself a hot bath.

Yesterday I went to a salon and got a full body wax. It was painful, but worth it. After a while, my skin was numb to all the hair ripping. It feels so good to be smooth. Earlier today I went to a spray tan shop. Nothing excessive, just a light shade all over to even out my skin tone and hide any marks from the waxing.
I stand now in the bathroom, the smell of lavender bath soap filling the air, the steam beginning to fog over the mirror. I take off my clothes and slide in the tub. The warm soapy water splashes against my soft and smooth tanned skin. If I had any body hair left, they would be standing on end as my skin is still sensitive to the hot water.