The thin line between love and hate: Part 3. The scorching, cum-drenched finale! [MF] [HEA]

[Part 1](
[Part 2](

“This is a bad idea,” I uttered, momentarily able to think because Braden’s hands weren’t on me.

“Wrong. This is a great idea,” he replied as we stood in front of an elevator. He pulled me into a blistering kiss, then slid his hands underneath my dress where he hooked his thumbs underneath the delicate fabric of my thong. His fingers trailed lightly in between my cheeks, sending shivers up my spine.

“Yeah, a great idea,” I murmured, capitulating as my brain temporarily short-circuited.

“Can’t wait to get you out of this,” he murmured, snapping the elastic of my skimpy undergarment. “I’m going to remove it with my teeth. Not yet though, have to do something else first.” He moved a hand between my thighs so he could cup me, then slid an insistent finger in between my lips.

“Oh my God, so wet already,” he whispered harshly, grazing my clit. “That’s so hot. Your pussy is so ready for me.”

I nodded desperately, jerking my pelvis against his hand as I tried to get more of him. The pressure of his palm against my clit was almost unbearable.

The thin line between love and hate: Part 2 [OC] [MF] [Public] [Sex at work] [Power dynamics]

[Part 1](

Mid-morning the next day, Braden strode into my office. Clearly on a mission, he shut and locked the door, and then yanked a cord next to my office window, sending the blinds rattling down.

“What… what are you doing?” I asked, taken aback by his unexpected forwardness. I hadn’t even come up with a clear plan on how to avoid him for the next few weeks, given our encounter the previous evening. No matter how smug I may have felt about taking back a small amount of power by leaving him horny and wanting.

“Well… based on how hard you came last night, you clearly have unmet needs. So I’m going to meet them,” he replied, his voice heady and determined. He turned and moved slowly toward me, his gorgeous, wavy dirty blond hair shining under the bright office lights. “Despite what you may think, I actually thought it was hot as fuck that you used me for your pleasure and then left me. I’ve been hard since you walked away from me.” The look in his eyes was predatory, and I don’t think I imagined the quickening pulse in his neck. I felt the tight pinch of my nipples as they hardened under his unyielding stare. He couldn’t be serious, could he?

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The thin line between love and hate [MF] [Tease] [Office romance] [Power dynamics] [Slow burn] – Part 1

“Time to put on your big girl pants and join the real world, Alex,” Braden said, smirking at me with unrestrained amusement. “I’ll be sure not to tell the partners at Haverford and McGill about all the times I wiped the floor with your ass during our classroom debates.” I narrowed my eyes as I turned to look at him, trying to ignore his barely-tamed waves of his dirty blond hair, or the way his strong jaw and smirking lips made me want to kiss his face off.

“*Alexandra*,” I said automatically, ignoring his dig. It was just another day, and another taunt from Braden Haverford III, my law school classmate and the perennial thorn in my side. I tossed my long chestnut-colored hair over my shoulder as I took in the view from the commencement stage where we were seated. Exactly how was I going to deal with this rich, arrogant dickhead when we joined the same law firm after graduation? And his father’s law firm, no less?

I usually tried to be the bigger person around Braden and ignore how he seemed to take particular delight in antagonizing me. I really did.

Mr. Blue Eyes – Part 3, The Conclusion [MF] [Public] [Tease] [HEA]

It’s a good thing my boss wasn’t a micromanager, because if she was, she’d have noticed that I’d done basically no work in the past day and a half. I just couldn’t concentrate. Every time I closed my eyes I saw those cobalt-blue eyes, and felt his fingers inside me. I remembered the warm, hard expanse of his chest, and the way his cock throbbed against my ass as I sat in his lap.

I looked at my phone for the hundredth time. It had been several hours since I sexted him and yet I’d had nary a response from my blue-eyed stranger. Logically this meant he had a responsible adult job and couldn’t immediately reply to my text. Fine. Ugh. But my brain was going haywire from the potent mix of hormones and adrenaline, and I was a quivering bundle of nerves. Each small sound, even if it wasn’t anything like my cell phone vibrating, set me off.

Mr. Blue Eyes – Part 3, The Conclusion [MF] [Public] [Tease] [HEA]

[Part 1](
[Part 2](

It’s a good thing my boss wasn’t a micromanager, because if she was, she’d have noticed that I’d done basically no work in the past day and a half. I just couldn’t concentrate. Every time I closed my eyes I saw those cobalt-blue eyes, and felt his fingers inside me. I remembered the warm, hard expanse of his chest, and the way his cock throbbed against my ass as I sat in his lap.

I looked at my phone for the hundredth time. It had been several hours since I sexted him and yet I’d had nary a response from my blue-eyed stranger. Logically this meant he had a responsible adult job and couldn’t immediately reply to my text. Fine. Ugh. But my brain was going haywire from the potent mix of hormones and adrenaline, and I was a quivering bundle of nerves. Each small sound, even if it wasn’t anything like my cell phone vibrating, set me off.

Mr. Blue Eyes – Part 2 [MF] [Public]

[Part 1](

My heart hammered in my chest. The corresponding whoosh of warm blood through my body did little to stem the electrifying, skin-on-fire cascade of nervous energy. The butterflies in my stomach had long since stopped fluttering gently and were now full-on crashing into one another, wings ripped and manic. Somehow gulping down the chilly morning air didn’t seem to be helping. I wiped my face and attempted to take a few deep, steadying breaths. It was useless. The trickles of perspiration on my forehead were chilling in the cool morning air, and I shivered, wishing I was someone who could play it cool a little better. I was always fine once things began to happen. It’s the nervous anticipation that killed me.

Truthfully, I knew that I could have been dressed in a winter parka and I’d still be feeling that shiver. I was at the bus stop, waiting for the C24. Waiting to take the same bus ride that had rocked my world so thoroughly yesterday.

Mr. Blue Eyes [MF] [Public] [Tease]

I woke to a dreary, grey Monday morning. I could barely get out of bed, and looked enviously at my floofy calico cat as she snored softly, snuggled in a crumpled nest of blankets. My weary legs carried me numbly into the shower, but the steamy hot water did little to pep up my body or mood. My mug of morning coffee tasted burnt and bitter as it scalded my throat. The metallic clink of the lock in my apartment door had a sad finality to it; the weekend was over and it was time to face the world.

The line of bored-looking office workers gripping backpacks and purses at the C24 bus stop blurred into the misty morning air and chilly fog. I clutched my coat more tightly around me and wondered if everyone felt as dead inside as I did. When did my life become a boring sequence of predictable events? Why did every day begin and end with this same, boring bus ride? Couldn’t there be more for me, something different, something better? The dejected squealing of the bus’s brakes matched my mood a little too closely.