[MF] Crossdressing session with sister..

It was one on of my favorite cloudy days. End of summer and beginning of beautiful monsoon. I remember that day as clearly as those beautiful skies. 

Every summer vacation I used to return home for holidays. We lived in a small village far from the cities hustle and bussle. It was a 1 storey house with living room and master bedroom on the ground and me and my sisters bedrooms on top. We had a small guest room as well on top. 

Both of our rooms were as typical as it could be belonging to a teenage kids. Mine with all movie posters and sports cars, hers with filled up with all girly things as it could accommodate. My sister was very girly and liked her stuff to be organized and with various shades of pink. Now that is what I envied the most. 

The feminine colors the pinboards with fashion styles and her beautiful dresses hanging in the closet. For some reason I had always wanted that to be my room.