Hooking up with a Sophomore Comrade [MF]

Another story from the Lair! The freshman Party Dorm floor where I and all my friends got laid a loooot in college. Sorry, this one’s weirdly political xD

I’m Alyse and I’m short, curvy, brunette, and slutty.

Back in my freshman year I wasn’t very political, but I knew I didn’t like the politics I was raised on. But I thought it was edgy to even be a Democrat. I knew nothing about unions, capital, praxis, all that fun shit.

And neither did most freshman. But every now and then an upperclassmen would descend to the Lair to relive the glory days (and try for an easy lay).

This one night I ended up talking to this Sophomore philosophy major named Jon. He was a nice guy, kinda nerdy, but very smart and easy to talk to. They say sophomore means “wise fool,” and this guy kinda met that criteria. He was pretentious and you could tell he was sort of regurgitating information on whatever topic we talked about.

Letting six guys jerk off on us [GROUP]

A quick story from the Party Dorm hall known as “the lair.” Quick because I was too drunk to remember many details lol.

It was a pretty normal party night in the Lair, but Rebecca and I both decided to get really drunk. We were single and sexy and wanted to flaunt it.

I wore a very short plaid skirt and a black crop top. Rebecca was in the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen, which made her ass look amazing, and this sort of meshy top where you could see her nipples in the right light. She knew what she wanted that night.

Somehow it ended up with me and Rebecca sitting on the floor of a dorm surrounded by guys on the various chairs and beds. I should mention I’d gone commando. Every now and then I’d shift and let a guy or two see my pussy. Just to keep things interesting.

So Rebecca and I are drunk and practically rolling around the floor together when I realize – I don’t know anyone there. I’m pretty sure Rebecca doesn’t either. This weirdly excites me. I can tell several of the guys are hard, watching these two sexy freshmen just make fools of themselves around on the floor.

Romantic Affair with a woman in the Party Dorm [FF]

Well many of you really seemed to enjoy my story from “The Lair” (and I certainly enjoyed your DMs about it ;) so I figured I’d keep it going! There’s a lot of stories from that time and place.

Brief recap: I’m Alyse, very short, very curvy and busty with brunette hair. I’m a bit of a slut and that really came out my freshman year. There’s a basement dorm complex on my school known as “The Lair” where boys get rowdy and girls get slutty. Last story I hooked up with my friend Arthur while my best friend Rebecca and this guy Raph watched.

I might get to the aftermath of that story later but this story takes place a few weeks after. I’m sure some of you got excited by the FF tag, but Rebecca had gone home for the weekend and my other friends were in the same major as each other and all had a big project due. So I ended up at The Lair on a Friday night by myself.

Fun With Friends in the Party Dorm [Group]

So I went to like a medium-sized school in the South that sort of resembled the stereotypical party school, but not completely. We didn’t have frats or sororities officially, but every year there’d be a house or two that threw the regular parties, and it was sort of an exclusive thing to be on the “invite” list.

But Freshman year basically everyone lived on campus and didn’t know any upperclassmen. So the party “house” for that year was one floor of a male freshman dorm known as “The Lair.” (Lol)

The Lair was basically the bottom floor of a dorm built into a hill, so most of the dorms didn’t have windows. It was all freshman guys and the RA’s who got the short end of the stick. The Lair was kinda gross, always smelled like cum, but you could get away with anything there.

It had a history and reputation of being very fratty and gross, but my freshman year most the guys I met there were actually pretty cool. Loud and obnoxious sure but, they’re freshmen, yknow?

[FM] Seducing my quarantine roommate (part three of zoom truth or dare series)

Part two: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gkra5i/mf_zoom_truth_or_dare_leads_to_me_crossing_a_line/

Some of you recommended on my last story that I should be more aggressive. So for the past few nights I’ve slept in Nate’s bed. I told him, “the couch sucks, I’m sleeping with you.”

Each night I’ve worn just a T-shirt or a matching sexy bra and panties set. Last night I just wore a flannel of his that was just barely too big for me and almost covered my ass and pussy. I only buttoned one button, right across my tits so they weren’t totally falling out. I was a lumberjacks dream.

About half an hour after we went to bed, I sighed and asked if he was awake. He has a twin bed so we’re very close but not touching.

“Yeah, usually takes me a while.”

“I’ll just be blunt. You mind if I watch some porn?”

He laughed and said sure. I pulled out my phone and pulled up some step sis stuff. I was already really wet from being so close to him, so I treated him to some very squelchy sounds as I began to pleasure myself.

Before long, without looking at him I said, “play with my nipples.”

[MF] Zoom Truth or Dare leads to me crossing a line with my quarantine roommate (part two)

Part 1: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gjhngr/mf_group_zoom_truth_or_dare_leads_to_me_crossing/

The last few days were kind of awkward.

It was pretty clear we wanted to jump each other’s bones, but Nate was apparently insistent on not crossing that line again. So I decided to, at very least, punish him for that decision by teasing him as much as possible.

That meant, firstly, wearing as little clothing as I could get away with. I’m already pretty slutty of course, but mostly when I go out. So I’ve been wearing my most revealing home clothes and pajamas.

We were finishing up a movie and he said he was going to play some video games, so I said I’ll grab the controller. It was on the floor in front of the tv. I was wearing a really short black sheer nightie that barely covered my ass, and a light green thong. I bent over and stuck my ass up to grab the controller and could feel him staring at my pussy lips which had all but swallowed the thing fabric. I could see his boner when I threw the controller into his lap. I tossed him a blanket and smirked.

[MF] [Group] Zoom Truth or Dare Leads to me Crossing a Line with My Roommate

Since quarantine started I decided to crash on a friends couch instead of stay with my family. I’ve just graduated high school and didn’t want to spend months locked up with them in the time I should be starting to experience freedom.

The roommate’s name is Nate, he isn’t featured in any of my other stories. He’s a good guy, a year older but he graduated with me. We’ve gotten close recently, and it’s kind of a new friendship. Until very recently he had a boyfriend. He’s bi but from what I could gather he’s mostly into guys.

He’s got light brown hair, he’s really fit, and only barely taller than me which I like. He’s a catch, but I never really considered him sexually. It was nice to have one friend I wasn’t also fucking lmao.

This story took place just last night, still processing some stuff lol but knew I had to write it out for you.

We’d been living together for a couple months now and it was going well. We’d stay up late smoking and watching movies. There was only occasional sexual tension. Once after we’d gone to bed he came out into the living room while I was masturbating on the couch. I stopped but I’m sure he could tell what was going on. He said goodnight against with a sly knowing smile.

Running a sex club in my school… [F]

So I’m a senior in high school, and if you’ve read my previous stories you’d know I was starting to become a bit of a slut.

This story takes place because of another story I haven’t actually told yet, but probably should sometime. Basically my class had a senior trip that ended up with a bunch of us fucking at different times. A huge group in my senior class just kind of collectively realized it was too late for any of us to date with college starting soon, but we all were horny as hell, basically all the damn time.

And that’s what’s led to the creation of our secret sex club…it started as a joke during the senior trip, but just kind of continued when we got back to school.

We operated out of a group snapchat so everything disappeared. The thing that made this group special was that it was free and open, basically first come first serve. There were no couples and no favorites. If you wanted to fuck, you just said so, or sent a pic of yourself. Someone would respond and tell you where to meet. Obviously, anyone had the right to turn down a response, but I don’t think it ever happened.

My first time with a girl, at a sleepover [FF]

My last story about a sleepover got me reminiscing about another sleepover (again not really marketed as such, but it was a party where we all spent the night, so) This story is a bit more tame overall but it was a fun time.

For those of you have read any of my stories, keep in mind this one comes before the very formative camping trip. I was much more reserved. I knew I was somewhat attractive and could get attention from guys if I wanted it. But I mostly kept to myself and some close girl friends.

I was invited to a birthday party for a girl that I didn’t really consider a friend. So I was pretty surprised, and considered not going. I wasn’t really friends with anyone else invited either. But my parents encouraged me to take a chance to branch out a bit.

The birthday girl was Sarah. She was a theatre girl, and so were most of her friends. What I learned at this party is that theatre kids can go fuckin hard, no drugs or alcohol required.

Riding a tiny cock at a sleepover [MF]

I’d like to pretend I’m too mature for sleepovers but I don’t know what else to call six girls sleeping at the same house in the same night in cute pajamas. Except *sexually charged*

That said, this story isn’t really about the girls. Except I definitely heard two of the girls making out once we were all in bed.

In fact, it was a moan that woke me up. I shifted and they stopped but the idea still got my pretty turned on. I decided I should rub one out, but then I realized I had to pee. Our bodies are an enigma.

I was wearing velvetish red shorts and a cute white brallete. I had forgotten where the bathroom was so I had to wander a bit. I saw a light in the living room which was surprising. I quietly leaned in out of curiosity. There I saw the host’s brother on his laptop.

I wondered if he was looking at porn. It was pretty late to be out in the living room in his laptop. But why not do that in his room?