Another story from the Lair! The freshman Party Dorm floor where I and all my friends got laid a loooot in college. Sorry, this one’s weirdly political xD
I’m Alyse and I’m short, curvy, brunette, and slutty.
Back in my freshman year I wasn’t very political, but I knew I didn’t like the politics I was raised on. But I thought it was edgy to even be a Democrat. I knew nothing about unions, capital, praxis, all that fun shit.
And neither did most freshman. But every now and then an upperclassmen would descend to the Lair to relive the glory days (and try for an easy lay).
This one night I ended up talking to this Sophomore philosophy major named Jon. He was a nice guy, kinda nerdy, but very smart and easy to talk to. They say sophomore means “wise fool,” and this guy kinda met that criteria. He was pretentious and you could tell he was sort of regurgitating information on whatever topic we talked about.