Driving down the highway! {F/M}

This will be a quick little story for all you pervs, as there isn't much build up. This memory just popped in my head so I thought I'd share real quick.

I was "18" at the time and my first boyfriend and I got united to stay a week at my dads house, who happened to live 3 states away.

So we go down there and of course my dad made us sleep in separate rooms. No boy was going to defile his little girl under his roof. Guess he didn't realize that I'd been getting fucked almost daily for the past year.

The week went by and my boyfriend and I never found a chance even for a quickie. We snuck away once in the backyard and he finger banged me for about 2 minutes, but we almost got caught. That was all the action I had for the entire time.

When we finally left for home, I was in a state of frustration that I hadn't had since I started having sex. We had a long 8 hour drive ahead, and I couldn't wait to get back because as soon as we got to my house, I was going to make sure he fucked me before he went home.

{F/M} Size does matter

I always hear people say that a guys penis size doesn't matter. I was always one of those people who echoed that as well, thinking it didn't matter as long as the guy knew how to use it. That all changed when I met Jay.

My good friend Julie brought Jay around a few time. She wasn't that interested in him but kept telling a few of us how good the sex was with him and every time she tried to break it off with him, they ended up having sex. She kept saying how addicted to it she was.

She never quite explained why she was addicted and none of us quite understood it. Jay was kind of a douchebag, in love with himself and while nice to look at, he was not an interesting person at all.

The night it went down was kind of crazy. We were at a party at some guys house. Julie had brought Jay but she kept talking to this other guy all night. It was obvious she was into him but she was with Jay and kept coming up to me and asking what should she do?

Quick and easy [F/M]

As I lay here before falling asleep I just wanted to share a quick experience of mine.

It happened a couple months ago. I had gone out with some people after work to a local bar for some drinks. Now nobody at my work really knows about my other life as a sex fiend so I planned to be a good girl. We had the usual workplace small talk when someone ordered a couple rounds of shots. I knew I shouldn't partake but the peer pressure got to me and I gulped them both down.

I got up after to head to the little girls room and my buzz fully kicked in. I was at that perfect buzz point where everything feels right and good. You're still in complete control and you feel like you can accomplish anything.

As I made my way to the bathroom a pretty good looking guy was standing in the little hallway texting on his phone. He looked at me as I walked toward him and just as I was passing him, without even thinking I said "meet me in there."

[F]irst threesome

I've gotten a ton of awesome feedback and have had some requests to share the first time that I was double teamed so here it is.

This happened a few years ago, I was 22 at the time (30 now) and I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had this guy who now would be called a FWB. Back then it was a booty call. He was really good looking, 6'2ish probably 200lbs with a great tan, great hair and a great body. He would call me every couple weeks for a late night tussle.

This night he called I happened to be at a club where I had a good buzz going, smoked some weed and had done some X. I was feeling on top of the world when he called and I ditched the people I was with and headed to his apartment.

He lived with a roommate who was more the shy reserved type, not bad looking but not my type. He was always there when I came over so he knew exactly why I was there.

[F/M] The first time breaking my vows

I've pretty much been a complete sex addict since I was 14 or 15 years old. From the first time I had it, I couldn't get enough.

Five years ago I decided to try and settle down by getting married. No more drugs, no more random one night stands, no more going places with the sole purpose of finding a new guy to fuck.

We got married and I buried my old life, locking it away from my husband and pretending to be the perfect wife. It worked perfectly for four and a half years.

My husband travels a lot for work and I do as well. I'm on a plane going somewhere at least once every two weeks.

On this occasion I had to fly to Las Vegas for 3 days of meetings with some potential new clients. Up to this point I had buried my past even in my own mind. It was like I was someone else. My past ways were somewhere deep in my mind, suppressed but as I would find out, not erased.