She called [M]e a sex god

This happened just before the story on the Amazonas. A certain redditor teased me about my use of the term “sex god” in that story. Hey, *she* called me that, I’m just reporting! Anyway, that made me remember this story. This happened in the middle of the year where I never masturbated because of all the sex – I was truly at the top of my sexual game I guess. This was the night I realized I had overcome the insecurities of my late-bloomer past.

It’s my last weekend in the city where I’ve spent the last half year of my life. I’m at a rooftop party with all my friends dancing to beautiful electronic music. I am high on MDMA and in love with the world. The sun is slowly going down and the vibes are peaceful and happy. I’ve taken off my shirt and am enjoying the time with my friends, not wasting a thought on getting girls.

She gave [m]e a surprise ending…

This is a throwback to when I used to live in a South American Capital.


Somehow, I’ve ended up in one of the weirdest parties I’ve ever been to. We’re on the border to the ghetto Which, here, means, it’s already really dangerous. The venue is the bottom floor of a corner building that should have been a bistro but has somehow been turned into a liveable flat with the café room serving as a living room and now doubling as the dance floor for the house party. My friends had advertised this to me as a top DJ’s private home party but they’re also new in town and have also been fooled by the weird guys who’ve shown us the way here. On top of it all, it’s a costume party and it’s hard to tell what kind of people really are attending because everybody’s disguised to varying degrees – one guy has an elaborate bender costume, some guy just dyed his hair red, and some chick has angel wings. Me, I’m just wearing a massive fake moustache that covers my mouth to the point I can’t even drink without a straw.

Welco[m]e to the Jungle – fingering a stranger in public in the middle of the Amazonas river

TBT my backpacking trip a few years ago.

They say you never travel alone.

But right now, I’m feeling like I’m very much on my own. I am the only gringo passenger on the old freight ship that will take me down the Amazonas river for the next three days. There is no private space, just two large decks where everybody sleeps in an open space. I’ve hung up my hammock on the top deck. From the cargo deck, I can still hear the noise of the workers unloading all the random stuff – TVs, chicken, oil barrels – they’re carrying down the muddy bit of river shore that serves as a port. The trucks look like they’re straight out of a seventies road movie, but dirtier.

The ti[m]e I had sex in the middle of a busy downtown street in broad daylight [fm]

I was a late bloomer. Took me until 19 to lose my virginity, but then I took off. For a few years, I was a major slut and slept with around 100 women. I worked out (still do, check my profile) and am generally quite good-looking, so it came easy to me. I have a pretty good cock too so ladies would come back for more most of the time. For a few years, I’d typically have three or more women on rotation (more than that, scheduling gets complicated…). There was a full year where I never masturbated because I just had that much sex.

Anyway, I’m sharing some of these stories because I like reminiscing and it turns me on to talk about my sex life openly. I’d shared these online back in the day too, which is why I have the detailed write-ups. Everything here is true.

OK let’s go. Wind back the time.