[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 2

Part 1 Again, sorry about the lack of formatting.

I stood up from the bed and rummaged once again through my suitcase. I needed my pyjamas and toiletries, I was going to have a shower after that session. I changed back into my clothes and made my way to the girl’s bathroom the receptionist pointed out on the map. Down the stairs, down the hallway, up some stairs and to the left. It wasn’t that far of a walk, but I could see how this might be a bit of an inconvenience. I opened the bathroom door and heard the showers running. Looked to be three shower stalls, and all of them were in use. Perfect. I stood for a moment, wondering if I could pull off being covered in my own wet for the rest of the day, and decided that just was not going to happen. If I met up with the handsome stranger again, I’d at east want to smell nice. So I made my way out of the bathroom and did something I was not sure I’d ever do. I walk to the boy’s bathroom. Low and behold only one shower was running. I made my way to the stall at the end and placed my clothes and towels on the nearest bench. It wasn’t so bad in here, at least it was clean. I looked over to the used stall and could just make out a male figure through the silhouette.

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 1

First piece I've written out and shared, hope you enjoy! Sorry about the lack of formatting, I'm unsure of how to make a new paragraph for the conversations)

Eight in the morning, move in day. I don't think there has been anything more stressful in my life so far. People everywhere, boxes and boxes piled up higher than I could even reach. It's going to be a long day. Holding my checklist and sign in papers in one hand, and my luggage in the other I made my way to the university reception. It took about an hour to be seen and even then there were disruptions, some students had already lost their dorm room keys, and my stress levels were rising at a pretty even rate. I tried to stay cool, calm and collected as the flustered receptionist dealt with my papers and assigned my dorm room. “Oh no,” she let out a sigh, “there seems to be a bit of a problem.” “What’s happened?” I asked, as If anything could make me more uptight. She looked up at me through her glasses, “Well it seems you checked your gender as male when you were filling out your dorm application,” she gazed at me top from bottom. Stopping when she came to my small, yet perky breasts hidden beneath my t-shirt, she continued, “and the computer has assigned you a room in the boy’s tower. I’ll do my best to correct the situation, would you mind taking a seat?” “You’ve got to be kidding me; do you know how long it will take? I asked, desperate to sit, but even more so to be sorted in a room. “I really am sorry, but this could take a couple minutes.” She replied and pointed to the back of the small, cramped room, “the seats are over there.” I let out a long sigh and grabbed my luggage and made my way to the only available chair in the row. I should have come earlier.

Categorized as Erotica