Seducing the massage therapist [MF] (very long)

Author’s note: long term lurker, first time writer. This story is very long, all names were changed. Control-F “good shit” for the sex. I hope you enjoy!


**Part 1: Seduction on the beach**

In January I left the frigid, COVID-ridden east coast of the US for beautiful, sunny, COVID-exists-but-no-one-cares Costa Rica, one of the few places still letting in travelers from anywhere in the world. I ended up in a small surfing town on the pacific coast.

The thing about small surfing towns is that there isn’t much to do except surf, do yoga, and go to the beach, and people that do nothing but surf, yoga, and go to the beach tend to be young, bored, horny, and really fucking attractive.

Every day, I had a checklist of 4 things I wanted to do each day: stretch, surf, meditate, and talk to girls. So most days I would wake up in the hostel at 5/6am, do 45 minutes of stretching, surf for 2 hours, have breakfast, meditate and read and chill for most of the day. At 3pm I would tell my friends in the hostel I was “going for a walk on the beach” and then walk from one side of the beach to the other, talking to every hot girl I saw until sundown.