She said 9 words to [m]e that completely changed the way I looked at her

I work in sales and people who work customer service/sales jobs know that after working a job like that for a while you end up developing a unique type of bitterness. You become mean and a little dead inside because you deal with a lot of people and most people are shit. Anyway, I had a coworker who had been working there for 15 years so she was kind of a bitch at this point. She was always rude to me and at first I thought it was because I was quite a bit younger than her but then I realized she was like that with everybody.

She was tall (6’1), talked like a sailor, smoked like a chimney, and was just generally unpleasant. Not my type at all. I had been working there for over a year at this point and she walked into the back of the store where we took our breaks. I was just finishing up my break as she entered. I assumed she was about to take her break so I asked her “Do you want to sit here?” referring to the office chair I was sitting in. I was going to roll it back over to the desk if she didn’t want to sit there.