Enticed Pt. 3

This is the third part of the story of my encounters in the 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. These are getting a little longer each time as I’m enjoying reliving these adventures. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s hetero toy.

Over the first six months I’d been working for the newspaper my older friend Blaise and I had been spending more and more time together.

Of course, we kept it more or less professional at work, as much as any other friends did. What the others at work didn’t know was that for the last couple months I was his private exotic dancer — sort of; I didn’t really dance — that let him jack me off two or three times each month.

It wasn’t a bad arrangement. I wasn’t so lonely; I was getting some sexual contact — though not what I was used to; and I had some extra cash each month. And, Blaise always seemed to love our time together. But, I guess I was starting to feel a little guilty taking his money when I was the one getting the happy ending.

Enticed Pt. 2

This is the second part of the story of my encounters with a very nice gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for the first part, the explanation of how I became his hetero toy.

A couple weeks after our first little tryst – and constant nagging by my friend, Blaise, I mentioned I might be up for some more fun. We set aside some time one afternoon that I could come over to his house.

When I got there we sat across from each other in his living room. It was a pretty large room and we were nearly 20 feet away from each other. He was on a full sofa and I sat on a love seat directly across from him. I sat over there, I suppose, because I still was a little unsure of this situation. But, I had something of a plan that I thought might help alleviate my nerves.

Enticed Pt. 1

Back in the 80s I worked with a gay man who was a few years older than me. For the first few months I wasn’t really sure if he was gay or just a little effeminate. But I could always tell he was extra interested in/friendly with me. This was a newspaper so there was one late night each week. During lulls we often would end up talking, sometimes about personal stuff. At some point he mentioned that I looked exactly like his first boyfriend in high school who had died very young. That’s why he had always been very taken with me. Of course, I was flattered even though it was a little weird being the object of desire for another man. Remember, this was the 80s.