The Wind’s Pleasure [MF][group][first time][fantasy] And my first story!

Hey gang, hope you like it! And bonus points for anyone who can ID where the names come from!

Shallan sat on the deck of the Wind’s Pleasure basking in the bright noon day sun, sketching the ship’s crew as they went about their work. The tanned, shirtless sailors broiled around her in seeming chaos to her young, untrained eyes. Her fiery red hair was tied back in a pony’s tail to hold it against the wind and the salt spray coming from the side of the tall ship. Her sketch book rested on her lap, charcoal pencil in her hand. As she watched the sailors go about their work, she couldn’t help her eye being drawn to Yalb. Yalb was a little louder, and more broad in the chest than the other sailors. But what truly fascinated Shallan was the bulge coming from the front of Yalb’s pair of work shorts. Why did his shorts push out so, where the other sailors did not, weren't all men the same down there?