How to create the best possible lover in my book?

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Ok, so here me out, in the last few days I set my self a challenge to create the best BF material in my books setting. (Basically lots of women and man want to have him and I am trying to find logical reason on why)

I did some research and even asked some of my female friends and here are some of things I found out.

But before we start I would just like to mention my book is sort of mix of cyberpunk and fallout, with the main characters are super soldiers who turned into Mercs, just so you can get a better Image.


+Alright so first thing I noticed is that the man who have get a clear sense of personality usually get more attractive, especially if that personality is funny, intelligent, strong, mysterious ecc…

Some famous actors have a clear sense of personality, for exp; Will Smith, who basically plays the same character in different worlds.

Also, there are some of the really clear-hearted actors (like Keanu Reaves) that gain major popularity for their good intented actions.

My sexy myth


This content will include +18 things. I was inspired by greek and nordic mythology that includes lots of weird and sick sexual stuff so just be ready.

Also I will be translating this myself so there will be gramar mistakes.

A long time ago, godness of love, peace and mercy give birth to a son, Peros, god of virility, masculinity and sexual prowess…
Naturally every dark and light goddess and even a few gods wanted to mary this young boy but Godness of love, Maria, refused. Saying that his boy was just too young to mary, he hid his son.

But someone else was also watching the little boy. Ashira, godness of sin, corruption and wicked, empress of hell, hid her self as a snake and watched that little boy. Like all godness she wanted Peros for herself. She secretly fallowed Maria and learned where was boy hiding. Ashira could have just kidnaped the baby but there was a pack between hell and gods so she couldn’t just kidnap baby. She will have to wait…
for a while at least…