First attempt at Erotica! Feedback is much appreciated <3 [OC]

I shut the door behind me and let out a sigh of relief. *Finally, I am home for the weekend.* I’d just finished a 12 hour day at work and was so tired I was tempted to simply head to bed right away. I hung up my coat and took off my shoes, resolving to do just that, when I heard my girlfriend call out from the kitchen.

“Josh, is that you?”

I started down the hallway towards the bedroom and replied, “Hey Ally, yeah, it’s me. I might skip dinner tonight, I’m beat.”

But before I reached the door I heard her laugh, “Oh, I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna want to miss dinner tonight.” I could almost hear that coy smile of hers in her voice, and I immediately turned around to go to the kitchen. *What’s she up to this time?*