My first threesome with two men was quite the experience…
I saw a dude for a while when I was overseas for an internship. I’ve referred to him as Kink Origin because he *really* got me into BDSM and awakened certain parts of me. We basically moved in together a week after meeting and got super weird that summer.
So… We never really talked about it in depth, but this Kink Origin was definitely bi. I watched him make out with a dude once when we went out (with my permission btw) and I knew he had slept with men before. When I asked if he was bisexual he just kind of shrugged and said, “I just really like fucking.”
He was a gem.
Anyway, his old friend from the military came to visit once during his break. I just invited him to stay with us because we had a pullout couch and plenty of room.