Something I wrote for [M]y [F]WB

Disclaimer: name changed for identity’s sake

It starts with my breathe on your neck. You feel an arm slip around your waist from behind. My other hand pulls your hair back so I can whisper your name in your year. Just your name, softly enough you barely register it. As the chills roll down your spine, I bite your ear. Slowly but firm, with the promise of more to come. My hands reach the hem of your shirt and lift it just enough to find skin. 

Your heartbeat quickens. You feel a lightening in your stomach; a fluttering that vanishes as quickly as it comes. 

My lips find your neck, my hands your waist. I pull your body to mine, closing what little remained of the distance between us. As I remove your pants, my mouth wanders, searching for a place to make the goosebumps return again. You step out of them and turn to face me as you do. 

The moment you finish I push you against the nearby wall. My mouth hovers just above yours. Our eyes meet.
