[MF] I Really Need This Job – Mark/Sally

I know – I know. I said I was all written out. I am. But Sally pointed me to the competition post and she really wants to win it so here I am again. I have extracted a high price for this – I’m going to be satisfied for the next week. For new readers: Sally and I are a married couple in our late 30s and I recently shared our story.

The competition theme is: fetish. I think anyone who read the Sally stories knows that my obsession with her ass is an obsessive fetish at this point – also Sally’s thrill at the risk of getting caught also counts. We have covered both those in the Sally stories so instead I’m going to write about our other main fetish: roleplaying. When you’ve been married for 10 years you need to try things to keep the sex fresh and roleplaying is the perfect option! You can be anything – and we have been: student/teacher, doctor/nurse/patient, cop/criminal, spy/spy, blackmailing – we’ve done it all. But I’m going to write about the very last time we did it – I’ve been writing in the distant past so it sounded fun to write about something that only happened last month.

[MF] The Saga of Sally – Ask Us Anything Edition!

When I started the Saga of Sally with [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) I never thought it was get this much of a response. To read so many people excited and happy that Sally and I ended up married is touching – but also surprising!

Sally and I have seen a few questions in the comments throughout and we thought it would be fun to do an AMA – it looked like people agree. Both Sally and I will be answering questions so you can direct them at either of us – or both!

We only ask that you don’t ask any questions that would give away identifying features – we won’t be answering them. And photos count as identifying features!

But everything else is open season – including questions about my stepmom stories or the Sallyless Interludes.

We’ll keep checking in on this post so keep asking your questions even if we have already answered some!

Mods – sorry if this isn’t exactly a GWS submission but we’re sure that they’ll end up being some GWS stories in the comments!

[MF] The Saga of Sally – What Happened When Camping – FINALE

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. This is **Part 9** and the final part! I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However if you don’t want to start from part 1 (you’re missing out!) this should make sense to a new reader.

A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead woman, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)

This is the final part of this saga. It’s partly because I always planned to finish it here – it’s a natural end to the saga – but it’s also partly that I’ve been writing a lot and I’m fucking exhausted. I’m not a natural writer – it’s not something I do. And while I’ve really enjoyed this and all your wonderful comments I need a break. I hope you enjoy.

[MF] The Saga of Sally – Christmas Reunion

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. This is **Part 8**. I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However if you don’t want to start from part 1 (you’re missing out!) this should make sense to a new reader.

A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead woman, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)

[MF] The Saga of Sally – Interlude – Thinking with my Cock

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally. Except it’s not Sally this time.

I am recounting my long on-and-off relationship with a girl called Sally. I recommend starting from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However since I am working through my life chronologically occasionally they’ll be “Sallyless Interludes” if I think there was a sexual encounter worth writing a story about. This is one of them. **There was no cheating on Sally. I could never cheat on that absolute goddess. At this point, we had broken up.**)

I was a little hesitant to share some of my experiences here because I recognize I have lived a very lucky life. I have had some wild sexual adventures and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not believing me. You have all been only supportive and complimentary though! But if any of you were starting to get jealous of me then let me make you feel a little better – because we’re getting into a part of my life that fucking sucked. If I was a horse, they would have taken me out back and put me out of my misery. I wasn’t happy. I was lonely. And I had a dry period of nearly 18 months. You read that right – the man who you’d been reading about, who seemed to have been blessed by God to get into sexy situations, didn’t get so much as a handjob for 18 fucking months. How did this happen? Read on.

[MFF] The Saga of Sally – Interlude – Meat in a Middle Aged Sandwich

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally. Except it’s not Sally this time.

I am recounting my long on-and-off relationship with a girl called Sally. I recommend starting from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However since I am working through my life chronologically occasionally they’ll be “Sallyless Interludes” if I think there was a sexual encounter worth writing a story about. This is one of them. **There was no cheating on Sally. I could never cheat on that absolute goddess. At this point, we had broken up since we were living in different countries.**)

This is just a short one.

Those of you who read my first story about Ana will know that I have some experience with age gaps. I’m embarrassed to say that this wasn’t the biggest age gap I had as a sexual experience. I was certifiably a depraved young man that would fuck anything.

[MF] The Sally of Sage – Interlude – Fucking In Tents

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally. Except it’s not Sally this time.

I am recounting my long on-and-off relationship with a girl called Sally. I recommend starting from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However since I am working through my life chronologically occasionally they’ll be “Sallyless Interludes” if I think there was a sexual encounter worth writing a story about. This is one of them. **There was no cheating on Sally. I could never cheat on that absolute goddess. At this point, we had broken up since we were living in different countries.**)

There are two distinct periods in the next five years where Sally and I do not see each other. And I mean this literally. We don’t even see each other in passing – we talked over email now and then but if you ever had a friend moved away you know it’s hard to stay in touch with them and eventually the emails start trickling to a stop. This happens even when the friend is the love of your life. But there were two periods. There was the time I was studying in England, which despite being heartbroken about a lack of Sally I enjoyed as a period of my life. I got to see new places. Meet new people. It was a good three years. Then there was the time I returned to US and started working and those 18 months or so were the worst time of my life. I’m not looking forward to recounting that.

[MF] The Saga of Sally – My Little Witch (and Goodbyes)

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. This is **Part 7**. I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However if you don’t want to start from part 1 (you’re missing out!) this should make sense to a new reader.

A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead tomboyish girl, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)

[MF] The Saga of Sally – Glory Holes and The Movies

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. This is **Part 6**. I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However if you don’t want to start from part 1 (you’re missing out!) this should make sense to a new reader.

A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead tomboyish girl, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)

I want to keep things fresh. I’m going to try something a little different. As opposed to the longer memories I’ve been retelling here I’m going to do two mini memories from our time at college. I hope you enjoy them.

**Glory Holes**

[MF] The Sally of Saga – Locker Room Audience

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. This is **Part 5**. I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However if you don’t want to start from part 1 (you’re missing out!) this should make sense to a new reader.

A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead tomboyish girl, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)