Haley’s Choice (Part 1) [F/F]

Mistress Laura was the kindest sort of cruel woman. She was a sadist of the darkest kind, and she was rich enough that she could afford to find beautiful, young women who would indulge her awful fantasies. Usually, these were simple exchanges. Some poor, desperate woman drowning in student loans or medical debt would seek out the Mistress, and she would agree to get an embarrassing tattoo or undergo some horrible torture in exchange for having her financial burdens lightened. Laura called herself a philanthropist. Her extravagant wealth put her in a position to help women who needed help, and she was more than happy to do so. All she asked in return was to have her fantasies indulged. To get a bit of pleasure from the exchange. One night of kinky, often painful, always humiliating lovemaking later, and the girls were free to go.