The Swarm Queen’s Trance [F/M] [FemDom] [Bondage] [Animal Traits] [Fantasy]

“To what do I owe the… misfortune?” A voice cut through the damp dark air of the Holy Sacais Cavern. A single red eye glowed through the darkness glowering down at her visitor. The visitor knelt to the floor of the cavern in reverence, “Cut the shit,” The voice said. The click of the woman’s heels echoed through the cavern as she approached her visitor, “What do you want, Rushiasha, King of Dragons?” The tall woman snapped down at her bowing visitor. Her sole visible red eye glared down through Rushiasha’s body in the darkness.

“Oh please, Kleirerria,” Rushiasha said coyly, righting himself, “Do I always need a reason to visit a *dear friend*?” The dragon’s tail swished back and forth behind him, elegant and intimidating, even in his humanoid form. His purple eyes glimmered with ethereal power in the darkness of the cavern. Kleirerria’s hand flew past Rushiasha’s head and hit the wall behind him with such force that a few pebbles crumbled to the floor.