[F]riday morning [Incest][NSFW]

See other submission for Alicia/Jules back story. This isn’t intended to be a serial, just exploiting a real situation; although details have been changed.

Alicia is going out with some friends today and is up and about at 6:30, she has her breakfast and her shower, and all the time Jules is watching her from the bed. He is playing with himself as he watches her, she knows that because she can see his hand moving surreptitiously under the duvet, although he thinks that she can’t see anything. He believes that if she had seen something she would say so, but he doesn’t know his sister as well as he thinks he does. In fact she is quite turned on by the fact that he is looking at her and getting horny, and the knowledge that he will wait until she leaves to make himself cum makes her feel a little pleasant sexual jealousy. She thinks about it in the shower, and is going to masturbate herself while she is in there but decides to give her brother something to think about instead and she knows that she will be better at that if she is still horny.

[F] [STR] [NSFW] After his shower

Alicia and her younger brother Jules live in a small town just outside Barcelona. They both work but they don’t have much money, so they have rented a small flat. It has only one bed, and after a few weeks of Jules sleeping on the sofa they have decided to share the bed and now they sleep together. They love each other very much, but the tensions of sharing a tiny flat mean that they occasionally quarrel and some of the quarrels have been quite bad. Added to that is the problem of sex; both of them masturbate, and when they each had their own room they could do this whenever they liked. Now it is more difficult and to make it worse they have discovered a sexual attraction to each other, each keeping it a secret from the other so far.

Alicia’s sexting shower confession [f/m] [NSFW]

This a real transcript of a WhatsApp conversation that has been slightly edited for reasons of privacy. The eroticism in it comes from knowing that it is a real conversation that the participants are having for the purpose of sexual pleasure; there is little description so the imagination has to be used. In fact both Alicia and Jules do re-read conversations for pleasure when they are alone.

Alicia (not her real name) is Spanish, in her mid twenties. She has long dark hair and brown eyes. She thinks she is overweight but in fact she is simply not skinny. She lives and works in London. Jules (also not his (my?) real name) is English and more than twice Alicia’s age, something which Alicia finds attractive. He is one of those lucky men that carries his age well. Originally from London he now lives and works in Huddersfield, which is where they first met. Whilst they were friends in Huddersfield they were not lovers; they developed their relationship after Alicia moved to London and now they have a good friendship in which a sexual element has been developing – only the sexual element is shown here but their conversations are not always about sex. Both are single and both enjoy sexting; they both enjoy masturbating and knowing that the other is masturbating, it is a big turn-on for both, and neither really wants a partner in their lives. At the moment they are still finding out about each other sexually, but they are becoming comfortable with each other. Alicia shares a flat with a man (whom she doesn’t fancy) and Jules lives alone.