On a train [CMNF], [OON], [Exhib], [F]

I was travelling on a night train from Edinburgh to London, it was unusually quiet even for midweek and the sole occupants of my own carriage at the far end of the train consisted of an elderly couple who were fast asleep and a student facing me from the table on the opposite side. We passed comment occasionally but we were both rather more focused on our own books than conversation, I even slept myself for a few hours waking up around 3am.


There were still a few hours until the train arrived so I grabbed my bag from the overhead rack, nodded at my companion and wandered down the carriage to freshen up and get changed. On arrival there was no chance I was stepping inside that restroom given the state it had been left in by previous occupants. I quickly brushed my teeth in the alcove outside, but getting changed was out of the question since the few people in the next carriage were clearly quite active.


30ºC on the beach [f], [enf], [Flashing]

I’d only really left the hotel room to spend a few hours wandering around town to pass the time while my hubby slept, it was 30ºC in the shade and I dressed appropriately in my hat, white button up sundress and sandals. My intention had been to find a store or bar with air conditioning and hole up there for a few hours, but since most of the shops were closed and the bars full of drunks I eventually found my way to the beach instead. To be honest I was a little jealous of the people swimming but I really wasn’t correctly attired and it wasn’t the right time or place to go skinny dipping.


The idea was making me feel a little frisky though and there were already quite a few people sunbathing topless, so after buying a beach towel from a vendor I found a clear spot on the beach then sat down making sure not to let my dress ride up as I did. I watched the sea for a few minutes before laying down and a few more before sitting up again and nervously undoing the buttons on the front of my dress to just above my hips. While my breasts were covered those looking my way could clearly see my nakedness between them, despite the number of people wearing no more than bikini bottoms it seemed this was drawing some attention from those around me.

Not quite flashing on a nude beach [ENF], [OON]

While I love travelling with my husband I have far longer holidays so often end up travelling on my own throughout the year, this in turn means that I often visit nude beaches on my own too. Despite my exhibitionist tendencies I prefer to control the situation and a lone woman on a beach can draw untoward attention, clothed or not. To resolve this issue I usually seek out another family or couple on the beach and ask to join them, genuine nudists are always happy to see me and I’ve never been refused when asking if I could set up near them.


However what I really love is finding a textile couple on a nude beach, on rare occasions they are not aware of the purpose of the beach but usually their aim is simply to see people with no clothes on. I especially love these couples when the beach is almost deserted, the sense of anticipation as I walk up to them fully clothed and ask if I could possibly join them for a while is immeasurable. I’ll always initiate conversation first and judge the situation though never mentioning the fact they are on a nude beach, I will only join them if I feel safe and comfortable.