How I got collared. [Short] [Mdom] [Fsub] [collaring] [Love] [M28] [F21] [creampie]

First of all, this story is compleatly fictional, even if it’s based on a recent kink I discovered…

It’s also based on a suggestion from one of my readers, so feel free to message me if you have any ideas for future stories. :)

How I got collared

It was like every other weekend. When I got off at five I phoned one of my potential dates and set up dinner. I just thought I could ride on the generosity of others but as I was about to learn, that was not the case.

He was at my house at six and we got to the restaurant at half past. The ride there was relatively uneventful. I looked him over, taking in his character. He was confident. At least that’s what I thought. He wasn’t the most muscular, but he wasn’t in bad shape by any means. He definitely looked like he could have his way with me if he wanted and I could do nothing about it. I didn’t think he would though. He seemed nice.

” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 1 [F4billion M18, Monstergirl, Creampie, Masturbation, Wholesome]

“Reupload because I forgot to specify the ages.”

Now, There’s a prologue, but it’s not pollished. It also has no nudity or anything sexual so I doubt I’ll be posting it.

This is the first story i publish, mostly to see the reactions. I appreciate feedback, and please let me know of any spelling errors. English is not my first language and also it’s difficult to self-check.

Now please enjoy!

xx The First Chapter. xx

After realizing what happened Luci looked to the sky, Cursing god for what he had done. She noticed the sun setting. The allfather was powerful, but alas he was not able to do more than banish her. Soon she found a spot where she could rest her body, but her mind was not yet at ease. Over the tree in which she slept loomed the stars like searchlights tediously trying to survey her. Heavy thoughts were on her mind when she finally managed to fall asleep, not in a cloud but on a tree branch.

” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 3 [F 4billion, M 4billion, Monstergirl, Masturbation, Wholesome]

If you find any spelling or gramatical errors I’d appreciate if you told me about them. Also, if you have any ideas on how you think I should continue this, that would also be appreciated. :)

Links to the earlier Chapters:

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

xx The Third Chapter. xx

In the dead of night Luci awoke. She didn’t know why, but knew that someone was waiting for her. It wasn’t the priest, it wasn’t the young man, it was someone else. Something else. They were at a city nearby so Luci took flight. In a few minutes she was there. A church was calling to her and she knew the “someone” she was seeking was there. She thus didn’t heed her inner warning and distaste for god. The city below was quiet. A few lights were on, but mostly on street corners and such. The church towered over the rest of the city. White colored, made from clay. The cross adorning it did not stop her, for her power had become too great. And soon it would increase even more. As she made her way inside she saw him. On the loft standing with his arms crossed on the banister. The church was empty except for him, and her. She flew up to him and stood beside him.

” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 2 [F4billion, M25, Monstergirl, Creampie, Teasing, Wholesome]

This is a reupload, since I forgot to state the ages…

If you find any spelling or gramatical errors I’d appreciate if you told me about them. Also, if you have any ideas on how you think I should continue this, that would also be appreciated. :)

If you would like to skip to the “good stuff” right away, it’s marked with “xxx”.

[Chapter one here!](

xx The Second Chapter. xx

Luci woke up under a soft blanket. Her mind was dim and so was the lighting. A single candle on the drawer beside the bed was the only thing casting shadow. You could distinguish the boards in the walls by the shadows between them. Luci was still feeling tired and adding to that sore. After the hard fucking she got she wasn’t sure if she could even stand. Pulling the blanket off and getting up she noticed a mirror on the wall next to the door. There was also some clothes on a chair nearby, seemingly for her. “I’m an archangel, I don’t need clothes.” she thought, dismissing them. She stumbled to the door and pushed it open. In front of her was an old lady fiddling with a large pot over the fireplace.

” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 2 [FM, Monstergirl, Creampie, Teasing, Wholesome]

If you find any spelling or gramatical errors I’d appreciate if you told me about them. Also, if you have any ideas on how you think I should continue this, that would also be appreciated. :)

If you would like to skip to the “good stuff” right away, it’s marked with “xxx”.

[Chapter one here!](

xx The Second Chapter. xx

Luci woke up under a soft blanket. Her mind was dim and so was the lighting. A single candle on the drawer beside the bed was the only thing casting shadow. You could distinguish the boards in the walls by the shadows between them. Luci was still feeling tired and adding to that sore. After the hard fucking she got she wasn’t sure if she could even stand. Pulling the blanket off and getting up she noticed a mirror on the wall next to the door. There was also some clothes on a chair nearby, seemingly for her. “I’m an archangel, I don’t need clothes.” she thought, dismissing them. She stumbled to the door and pushed it open. In front of her was an old lady fiddling with a large pot over the fireplace.

” Take on the Heavens. ” First Version [FM, Monstergirl, Creampie, Masturbation, Wholesome]

Now, There’s a prologue, but it’s not pollished. It also has no nudity or anything sexual so I doubt I’ll be posting it.

This is the first story i publish, mostly to see the reactions. I appreciate feedback, and please let me know of any spelling errors. English is not my first language and also it’s difficult to self-check.

Now please enjoy!

xx The First Chapter. xx

After realizing what happened Luci looked to the sky, Cursing god for what he had done. She noticed the sun setting. The allfather was powerful, but alas he was not able to do more than banish her. Soon she found a spot where she could rest her body, but her mind was not yet at ease. Over the tree in which she slept loomed the stars like searchlights tediously trying to survey her. Heavy thoughts were on her mind when she finally managed to fall asleep, not in a cloud but on a tree branch.