Last days 4 shit out of luck

Alice left the gym 30 minutes later in a dream, the thrum of her pussy nearly muted after being railed by Barrowman on the gym floor.

She had only just managed to grab a small bowl of chilli for a quick lunch before practically tripping through the door into science, quickly yanking down her skirt before taking her seat At the back of the lab

Her brain was still swirling as she sat at her seat, her bare ass pressing lightly against the cold wooden chair.

Before she could even open her book, miss Tylers wheeled in an outdated VCR system to the classes noticeable appreciation.

“A movie day” Alice thought to herself smiling as she closed her book, but as she settled down to zone out for the next hour her stomach growled noisily before her bare ass let out a small hiss and returning to silence.

She thought nothing of it as she returned her gaze to the screen thinking that it was probably her little ping pong show for Barrowman that’d fucked with her ass.

Last days 2.5 – pinned

The next thing Alice knew her gym teacher was kissing her.

She laughed to herself at the idea of an arsefull of ping pong balls led to this god of fitness kissing her.

Her pussy was throbbing for attention by the time she broke the kiss, her mind spinning from lack of air.

“Soooo… where did all this come from?” She asked after kissing the end of his nose.

“Well after i saw you trying to pull a rabbit out of your arse during my lesson” He said winking at her

“… it took all my restraint not to take you then and there.” His said huskily, his hands going lower and lower till they were practically under her skirt.

“So much room, for such a tight arse” he breathed in her ear, his fingers teasing her asshole.

She lent in even closer towards him and whispered

“Iv got room for you sir”she said in her silkiest voice

Without a word he threw her on to one of the gym mats and ripped off his shorts, his bulge threatening to tear his boxers

Last days 2 the PE lesson

Alice was horny

At least that’s what she thought to herself as she walk towards gym class.

After her little “show” on the bus she had decided to go commando for the rest of the day, all the while finding more and more inventive ways to “relieve” her boredom.

She bounced her way through the door to the changing room where her class were halfway done getting dressed.

She couldn’t help sneaking a few glances at the rest of her team as they pulled shirts off and gym skirts on making her pussy throb lazily.

Before her fingers could weave their way to her throbbing pussy, mr Barrowman shouted from outside the door forcing her to hurriedly get changed and check that nothing was showing that she didn’t want to showing before scooting out of the door behind her class.

Mr Barrowman stood Just outside the door to the gym, his muscular arms barely hidden behind an under armour shirt, she nearly walked into the door before tearing her eyes away, her bare clit beating like a drum.


Barrowman began showing the class the proper technique for today’s ping pong lesson, his arms sweeping to show which way to swing the paddle.

The last days

Alice is board during her last few days of collage that is until she and her friends suggest more and more saucy ways to spice up her lessons.


The last day of prison began as normal, or maby purgatory was a better fit, Alice thought as she pulled her skirt around her waist and grabbed her underwear from the foot of the bed.

She sighed lazily at the thought of all the stupid lessons she’d have to endure today, the uniform she wore suddenly felt two sizes smaller.

She stared down curiously at the black underwear in her hand, before her mind began toying back and forth with a naughty little idea the made her pulse thrum and her bare pussy burn.

Without another second’s hesitation, she threw the pants back into the wardrobe snatched her bag and jogged downstairs, her heart thudding with more than excitement.


The bus was early today, Alice still being the only person at her stop.

Every movement and every breeze made her heart splutter at the thought of her bare pussy being seen as she climbed the steps onto the run down bus, taking her usual seat at the back.