[MM] A certain sense of loss, the final part, (long)

I black out a little and paint his pecs, neck, face, hair, the pillow with rope after rope.

If I could save one image from this day, it might be that of him looking at me, dripping with my cum, surprised, grateful, turned on. I brush away the stuff nearest his eyes and dry him with (about half a box of) tissues, and do the same to me.

‘Fuck,’ he says ‘that was incredible.’

‘Yeah’, a little shell-shocked I answer ‘yeah it was.’ I chuckle a little and we kiss each other on the lips for a bit.

After that, we cuddle for a while, damp, sticky, exhausted. More making out, slower than before. I get hard again and he starts to stroke me with a glint in his eyes. I push him away as I’m still so tired. ‘In a minute’.

Instead we talk. About our lives, about his abusive father (thankfully not in that way), and I ask him about his first time. He asks me if I always wear socks in bed. I tell him I do.


No, surely not. Yes, he said he was 18 but the way he fucked…

[MM] A certain sense of loss, pt.3 (long)

Hell, I want people to hear.

He gets ever more curled up, my face ever closer to his. We steal a kiss and I fuck him for a bit more. He’s hard now, leaking a little over his flat, toned stomach.

I lean back and look down on him. Hoping it’s the right thing to do (it is usually, but not always), I slap him quite hard across the face.

He looks astonished, lost, entirely unsure for a moment how he should feel about what just happened. Then a smile, hunger in his eyes, and I hit him again.

‘Fuck, yeah. Fuck me.’ I oblige, but lean down to make out with him again, then I brush the cheek that I slapped him on. When I move my hand to do this he flinches, but the look on his face when he realises why it moved is adorable. Looking each other in the eyes we know that we own each other. We fuck some more, settle into rhythm, both breathing heavily, me groaning, him yelping and swearing.

I slow down a little to catch my breath, and to savour the moment. He’s so fucking hot, and he’s mine.

[MM] A certain sense of loss, pt.2 (long)

Then, stroking the side of his neck and face, I whisper in his left ear: ‘You’re beautiful, and I want to fuck you.’

I move my head back and we hold eye contact for a second that feels like a minute. He’s excited, scared, turned on. He wants this, and I need him. For a brief moment I understand cannibalism, because I want all of him, forever.

I slip off my shoes and take off my belt. I back away and fold it in my hands as if to make a whip. His eyes widen for a moment but he sees the joke for what it is and laughs out of his nose. I throw it to one side, and we kiss for a little bit longer, and I stroke him. With my shoes off we’re almost the same height and we lock eyes.

‘Bed.’ I instruct him and he nods, walking over to it as if in a dream, crawls on all fours to the top, places one pillow on top of the other, and turns on to his back, facing me.

I take off my shorts, leaving only my t-shirt, socks, and black boxers – which look as if they’re about to lose the fight.

[MM] A certain sense of loss, pt.1 (long)

A certain sense of loss, pt.1 (M24, M18, long)

New York, New York. The city so good, it’s said, that they named it twice. I was there last year, for a week, with a couple of old school mates.

I expected nothing from the the boys’ trip other than the usual: seeing a respectable number of landmarks before drinking enough to hospitalise a horse.

I like to fit in one or two hookups along the way… with the others reacting both in good-natured mock disgust, and very real envy. Don’t get me wrong – none of them are monks – but, compared to chasing after women, fucking gay guys is like shooting fish in a barrel.

True to form, we saw a few landmarks and on our last full day took a boat tour.

Wondering what it would have been like to be a penniless Old World immigrant first catching sight of that copper woman holding a torch, I snapped out of my reverie – remembering that I hadn’t got laid and that we were flying out the next evening. I opened Grindr and squinted at the sun-cream smeared screen of my phone. The game was afoot.