Aly and Uncle Toby Part Three [INCEST]

Parts one and two in my profile

Part three…

As it turned out, Aly didn’t have to wait too long after all.

Half an hour after almost being caught by her mum, she was lying in her bed under the covers, fingering herself hard. She had cleaned up all of Uncle Toby’s cum that she could find by that point, either sucking it up or fucking it into her hot, wet little pussy hole. It felt soooo fucking good knowing that the stuff from his balls was in her stomach and in her hole. Feeling even more horny than usual, she had even coated a finger in some of it and pushed it into her butt-hole. Aly wanted Uncle Toby to be in as many places as was possible.

What surprised her most of all was just how much being nearly caught had added to the whole experience. She would have thought that the shame she felt earlier that day would have been bigger because of it, but the reality was that her mum almost seeing how dirty a daughter she had made her wetter than ever. It was such a pity that she had come home though. If Aly and Uncle Toby had been given just a few more minutes alone, she would have got to taste his cum right off his big dick.

Aly and Uncle Toby (Pt 2)

Hi! Me again!

Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback and comments on my first ever story: Aly and Uncle Toby. I was nervous when I posted it, but you’ve given me the confidence to post the next part!

I think Part Two is the quickest I’ve ever written a story! I was up half the night typing it out, because I hate disappointing people.

Here’s Aly and Uncle Toby, Part Two….

Aly spent the rest of that evening flipping and flopping between being so horny that she felt crazy with it, and being so nervous that she was on the brink of crying several times. 

What had she done?!

Now Uncle Toby knew what type of girl she was, and what type of thoughts she had. Those were meant to be secret thoughts that no one who knew her would ever know, and yet she had gone and basically laid it all out for the one person who really shouldn’t have ever known. 

Still though, she thought about that little twitch she had seen in his trousers, and they way he had so smoothly muted the volume on her laptop before opening the video while her mum was sitting right there in the same room. 

Aly and Uncle Toby (Pt 1) [FM, incest]

If this isn’t suitable for here PLEASE let me know!

Hi everyone. Just before you read my story, I want to say that it is all FICTIONAL! Nothing you are about to read actually happened in real life. 

Hope you enjoy it. It’s my New Year’s resolution to be braver with my writing and share it occasionally, even if only anonymously online! I’d love feedback and praise!

Aly had always liked her Uncle Toby in that way. It wasn’t because he looked like a movie star or had a ripped body. In fact, he was pretty average looking and had a little bit of a paunch. But whenever she was around him she always felt that tingle deep in her belly. There was just something about her Uncle Toby that she was drawn to.

When she was younger she had pushed the thoughts away and chided herself for thinking things that she knew were very wrong. She pushed them away so hard that she knew her mum thought she didn’t like Toby (her mum’s brother) at all. Whenever he was around she would go to her room. It looked rude, but no one realised she only did it because she was worried that if she didn’t she would end up getting caught staring at him, or worse still staring at his crotch and drooling while she imagined what lay hidden in his trousers.