Free Use Fairy Tales [Free Use, FM, Fiction] sample chapter

Her name wasn’t really Red, but that was what everyone called her. And that was because she wore almost exclusively red. Clothes, shoes, lipstick, even underwear. That, coupled with her hourglass figure, made every man that saw her pause and take notice.

That Sunday morning, she wasn’t wearing any clothes or underwear, and her lipstick had faded from the night before. The sun creeping in through the window woke her, and she realized it was already ten. She sat up, still groggy from her slumber.

“Good morning,” came a voice from her right. Startled, she turned her head, only to discover a man. A big, dark-skinned man, as naked as she was and lying on her bed. Then she remembered.

She had brought him home from the club last night. She had sucked his cock in the bathroom, and he had fingered her to orgasm. Then, in the taxi ride home, he had eaten her out like a famished man, making her come again. And finally, at her apartment, he had fucked her six ways from Sunday, just as she liked it. He didn’t hold anything back, and she had lost count of how many more times she came.

Freeuse Public Services (Sample Chapter)

The elevator doors dinged as they opened, and Chief Gary Roberts exited them into the Freeuse Police Department. His Police Department.

He greeted the officers sitting on their desks left and right of the corridor to the office. Even though it was his, he knocked before entering.

“Quiet night, Barry?” he asked the man sitting in his chair. Barry Nelson was the night shift captain. He didn’t stand up to greet him, which was a bit odd.

“Yeah. Just a couple drunk-and-disorderlies, threw them in the cells to let them sleep it off.”

Strange noises were coming from under the desk. Gary looked down and saw two black heels. Someone was kneeling under the desk in front of Barry.

“Who do you have over there, Barry?” he laughed.

“Oh, just a college freshman, from the campus. You know how it goes.”

“God, is it pledge week already?” said Gary, hanging his jacket on the coatrack.

“Yes, and this one was assigned the challenge to come into the department and suck off the first man that talked to her. It seems I hit the jackpot. I think her name is Chrissy, or Missy, or something.”

Freeuse Holidays. Halloween.

Late October was always a rather cold and damp time in the town of Freeuse, Ohio. The trees were all but stripped from their leaves, and the first autumn drizzles had made their appearance.

Becky Anderson shuddered, standing in her Halloween costume in the middle of Main Street.

It was supposed to be a witch costume, but in reality it was just a flimsy excuse to show off as much flesh as possible. Not that she minded, of course. She always loved showing off her supple young body, and her curves, the curves that had every man turn and take notice of them. Especially now, being on display like that.

Jonah was standing three feet away, pointing his camera at her. He didn’t seem to be having any troubling hoisting the big and bulky piece of equipment up, but she knew from experience exactly how strong he could be.

In her ear, she was hearing Brock Simmons’s voice, but it wasn’t her he was talking to. He was addressing his television audience, and she was just waiting for her cue.

Morning [Free Use]

Alyssa had overslept again. She slept right through her clock blaring its alarm chime. She slept through the sunlight creeping from the window. What finally did the trick of waking her up was David’s, her roommate’s, voice, as he was standing over her bed.
She slowly opened her eyes as she was jerked away from her dreamland, and looked up at him.

“I would have left you sleeping, but there is someone here to see you, and he says it’s quite urgent,” he said.

She sat up on her bed, and looked at him, quizzically. She was stark naked of course, but she wasn’t embarrassed in the littlest bit. David had seen her naked plenty of times.

“To see me? Who? Where is he?”

“Right here,” snickered David, and lowered his pajama bottoms. His cock sprang up, already fully erect.

“Haha, very funny, David,” she said.

“You know how it is, honey. I absolutely have to blow my load before getting anything done for the day, get the blood circulation back to other parts of me, if you know what I mean.”