[MF] My girlfriend did forced macho fetish stuff recently

#Trigger warning: transphobic language

I am pro trans but I have a fetish for being forced to detransition.

I’ve wanted her to do forced macho stuff for a long time. She bought me black leggings and hipster nerd girl boots. I put them on with a plaid shirt and thick computer glasses. Disclaimer: I am pro trans and do not support doing any of this for real. I wore the outfit while she came in and asked why I wanted to be a girl, so I told her I felt that I was a girl and it turned me on so much to get to be a girl. She pressed me and I told her I hated being expected to be a man and having to put on a show. I told her I was disgusted by how they talked about girls and how much they degraded them when they were so amazing and I put on a real show about how much I hated being a guy because of how much they degraded girls. She called me a disgusting tranny faggot and said that she would make me be a man. I launched into a crying rant about how I would die if I had to live as a man and she shot me down and said I was a disgusting pathetic loser who only wanted to be a girl because it was the only way I would ever get one. She told me that she would have sex with me and I said back that I didn’t want to use my penis because I hated it. She grabbed me and told be I was going to fuck her pussy and dragged me into her room.

Tried kink shaming with my girlfriend [MF]

My girlfriend told me about having rape fantasies and some pretty deranged thoughts. I tried to do act them out but I was too disgusted by them and I have binge thoughts about punishing BDSM participants through criminal prosecution. I have a horrible paradox between that and self deprecating even though I know it’s wrong to judge myself as not being a real man. It’s part of a forced macho fetish. I also have a huge kink shaming fetish because of how taboo it is. I told her I want to kink shame her.

We started out by doing small things like groping her or making inappropriate comments. If she complained I would silence her by telling her that she’s a misogynistic slut and so she has no right to complain. Once when she was in the kitchen she was dressed super hot in a sweater and leggings with her hair tied back, I told her how hot she was and that I was going to rape her. I walked up, grabbed her, and started grinding against her. I dragged her into my room and made her sit down on the couch and told her I lied because rape is disgusting and misogynistic and I wouldn’t give her anything unless she begged for it. I called her a misogynist slut while I allowed her to suck my penis and told her what a good misogynistic slut she was. I told her I was humiliating her for her misogyny. We cuddled after and I returned the favor by going down on her and teased her my making her tell me how much she wanted it.

[25M/21F] WWII role-play

This is a much better, consensual role-play similar to what I previously posted. Other then the date and the role-play it’s not really different from other sex in terms of just doing some kind of uniform fetish. There’s limitations on things that wouldn’t be done then, which feels really geeky to say.

I was having a really nerdy WWII fetish that I wanted to try but I was afraid that it would make my girlfriend think I was really weird and I was worried about whether it was a holdover from worse times. I went on /r/Sex and asked about it would seem really weird to ask about, and I actually got very positive feedback. I told my girlfriend about it and she said that it sounded interesting to try even though she thought it was very unusual. We planned to go on a date as a Red Army officer and a German girl. Even though I have Autism (if that’s a surprise) I have social discretion and planned to go on the date somewhere outside of her college so she wouldn’t have to look like a weirdo to everyone and possibly get hit on by sovboos. We made the uniforms with a green henley shirt, slightly brown green dress pants, black rain boots, and a Soviet ushanka. She wore an overcoat, a white button shirt, a gray skirt, and those leather hipster boots that look like something from the 19th century. She also knows German so we spoke that.

[21F/26M] Breastplay

My girlfriend was living with me over the summer. We were in my room and walked behind the couch and put my hands on her shoulders and touched her hair. I told her that she had really amazing breasts and asked if I could fondle them. She told me to go ahead and I felt them up for a few minutes while I told her how fun it was to play with them and complimented how hot she was. I lifted up her shirt and squeezed her breasts quickly and then pulled it off. I asked her to leave her bra and shorts on while I undressed. Then I asked her to get up and go into the kitchen with me since there was no one home and we like the feeling of being naked or mostly naked together. When we were out in the kitchen I grabbed her breasts. She gave me a big closed mouth smile and pulled them out and asked her to leave them that way for a while.

I [25M] did Red Army rape play with my girlfriend [21F]

We’ve done this multiple times, but this used to be really intense for me and honestly, it’s the only pretend rape that I can deal with. She started telling me about rape fantasies, and I was really freaked out by them and didn’t want to take part, and she pressured me and belittled me, so I made a compromise. I told her I would dress up as a Red Army soldier and have her dress up as a German girl and I would pretend to rape her.