Getting Wet [Older woman/younger man, swimmer, solo]

Hi Everyone! This is Alex Faye. I am new to writing erotica and wanted to share a chapter of the first book I am working on. Let me know what you guys think. I would really appreciate it to help write better stories for you guys!




I heard the first car pull up and the sound of two doors slam shut. The front door opened with Chris walking through with a friend behind him. Chris definitely took after his father in looks, but luckily none of his personality.


“Hey Mom! I'm back for the weekend. Everyone else should be here in an hour or two.”

“And who is your friend?”

“This is Michael. He is the captain for the swim team.”


Michael looked to be the same age as my son, maybe a year or two older. He reached out to shake my hand. His touch was smooth but firm with confidence.


“Hello Mrs. Lynn. Thank you for letting us come over to have a team get together. We really appreciate it.”