Sex Wizards: Initiation [F/M] [Femdom] [Bondage] [Fantasy]

Welcome! This story exists because an idea about a kink based magic system gained a mind of its own. If you want to skip to the juicy bits, skip to the #.

Abjuration (magic that blocks, banishes or protects)

Conjuration (magic that produces out of thin air)

Divination (magic that gains the truth about the past, present, future)

Enchantment (magic that can entrance or beguile others)

Evocation (magic that manipulates and taps into energy forces)

Illusion (magic that controls and manipulates the senses)

Transmutation (magic that modifies matter)

Corpimancy (magic of life, death and healing)

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Crux

It’s taken me four full weeks to reach the wizard’s towers in Straetham.

*Four full weeks* of soggy mountain passes and wetlands. Of being crisped by the spring sun, eaten by mosquitoes and leeches, and nipped by the meanest horse south of Airedale. The sketchy caravan I hitched a ride with managed to get me here though they bled me of every last red cent in the process.

I must be out of my godsdamned mind.