[M4F] The Bridesmaid and the Morning After

*All characters are 18+*

It was one of those sun-bleached California mornings when everyone lays around saying “I drank too much last night.” My hotel suite overlooked the pool and before my alarm even went off, I was stirred awake by the shouts of kids doing cannonballs off the diving board. I had apparently passed out in only my underwear; a pair of black Calvin Klein briefs, the fabric of which was presently being strained by a massive erection. Across the grey carpet I could see the trail we left; my blue blazer, your crumpled dress, my white shirt, your thigh high stockings, my necktie, your high heeled shoes. I rolled over and there you were. Head on the pillow, hair cascading down your back, wearing nothing but a pair of white lace panties adorned with a little pink bow. I could see the remnants of my dried cum still sticking to your thigh. Your eyes were shut, lost in dreamland.