This story will probably seem fairly tame compared to a lot of this sub but I’d like to share anyway. In my adult life I’ve become a lot less bold so it’s the best I think I’ve got for you guys.
This happened a few months ago, during lockdown. I was in a Skype call (I know, so 2010) with a girl I met playing World of Warcraft as well as a few of her real life friends, 2 guys and 2 other girls, whom I knew nothing about. We were just drinking and chatting and all trying to stay sane and social during lockdown.
We were all decently drunk (a headspace I find all the best stories happen in) when one of the guys suggests we play a game of never have I ever. In this drinking version, each player holds up ten fingers and whenever someone says something you’ve done, you take a drink and put down a finger. When a player has all ten fingers down, they lose, must consume the remainder of whatever drink is in front of them and, as punishment (or reward) for your life of promiscuity (let’s be honest, these games ALWAYS wind up being mostly sexual) the other players agree on a dare that the loser must complete.