So it’s in every male friend group almost. “Dude I’m definitely the biggest in the group”. I don’t know us guys can be weird like that haha. I’ve been told I have “basically the perfect cock” (best compliment ever by the way) Little under 8 long (little over if I’m rock solid) and really good girth. But of course we’re not just gonna whip em out and show each other. So the universe gave us another way to settle the score.
My closest friend and I were always in competition on who could beat who in a sport, who would get the girl, etc. So we’re all out at the bars and as usual we end up trying our luck with a group of pretty women. A few of my friends took some of them to the dance floor and 3 of us stayed behind with the others to chat and continue drinking. My friend must have turned on the charm because he was crushing it that night. Me, not so much. There just wasn’t much in common. Nothing really clicked. Looking like a “strike out” night for me. I told her I was going to find a friend and made my way to the dance floor.