To flash or to feel? [F/M][cheat]

Before I start, I’d like to say that this is the first time I’ve ever written down an encounter such as this. And it’s arousing me to even remember it and write it down… so I hope it brings a few moments of arousal to you, too.
Let’s set the scene with a few descriptions to give you some nice, clear mental images. I’m a 28 year old lady with long, straight, brown hair, standing 5’8” tall. I’m of average build, a little curvy… with very long, shapely legs (or so I’ve been told). At the time of this encounter, I was measuring about a 34B – small boobs in my estimation but maybe not so small, to others. David is a 26 year old, tall guy. He’s 6’4” and average build. He’s mixed Caucasian and African background, so he’s a lovely chocolatey colour, good enough to eat. :)
At the time, we were both in long-term relationships… no marriage, just living with our significant others. David had been going out with a girl called Lara and living together for a number of years, at this point.
Even though we lived in different continents, David and I worked for the same company and we’d first met a few years before at a work meetup. We’d hit it off and became friends. While we worked for the same company our tasks didn’t really intersect, but we continued to chat online once we were both back home. It was pretty innocent but it developed into a friendship, with each of us finding the other an outlet to vent about our respective partners. Sometimes you just need to vent, no matter how strong a relationship you’re in. The chatting led to staying up late online, talking about anything and everything, even playing silly online games together… just to talk. And to flirt.
After about 6 months of this, there was another work meeting planned… this time in his home town. Over the previous months, I’d often fantasised what would happen when we next met up, after being a lot more intimate and friendly in online chat. My fantasies wouldn’t exactly be wild… just pretty simple ones, such as baking brownies together but then getting horny, playfully smearing melted chocolate on each other and then fucking on a stainless steel countertop.
For a while, David had been joking about me flashing my boobs to him. He’d said it a few times, and it was something of a running joke… probably with serious intentions. I think the first time he’d said it, I had responded with something like, “*I wouldn’t flash you, I’d rather you’d have a feel!*” I was quite paranoid about the size of my boobs and couldn’t imagine flashing them and having someone see them, just out of the blue like that. But having a quick feel, under clothing… would be acceptable. This had been recently mentioned and I just knew it was going to come up again, and the scenario had even featured as part of my fantasies.
At the time I was in his country for work, it just so happened that David had just been through emergency surgery and was at home resting, on sick leave. He was told not to have sex for a month… something that I’d imagine would be quite difficult for a 26 year old man to do, never mind having any foreign visiting distractions (such as me) thrown into the mix. So regardless of what happened, I knew that sex was not going to be on the metaphorical (or physical) table.
We chatted and arranged to meet up at David’s house, where he was recuperating. Lara was out at work for the day.
Having not really seen each other in person more than a handful of times, I’d no idea what was going to happen with David… if he felt the same sexual attraction as I did. The clues were there… but you never really know until it actually happens, eh?
I caught the bus to his end of the city and I remember it was a nerve-racking journey. I had no idea what was about to happen; I was a mixed bag of feelings – nerves, arousal, guilt, excitement.
David lived in a small apartment, and he didn’t even have a sofa… just a double bed and a TV in front of it, with a kitchen and bathroom off to the side. It was small, intimate. We had planned on watching a movie, so I could either sit in a computer chair or there was the bed… but I wasn’t just going to invite myself into his bed. I said something awkward like, “*Can I sit here?*” pointing at the bed. He said that was fine, I hopped on… him inside the sheets, me outside.
We watched the movie together, I can’t even remember what it was now. The situation was comfy enough, though I was acutely aware of lying right beside someone I’d been talking/flirting with online for months, within touching distance. I imagine he felt similar.
After the movie, I think he said something like, “*So, about this boob feeling…*” I was soooo shy and self-conscious, I tried to talk myself out of it but I finally gave in. I did want it, but we were both in relationships and I know it was a very cheeky thing to do. I perched on the side of the bed, David was lying along the bed. I unhooked my bra, pulled it through my sleeves. As I was doing so, I felt David’s hands slide round my waist and I was shocked at the touch, I think I gasped a little – being touched intimately by someone that you’ve really only ever had a passing friendly hug from.
He softly slid his hands up my body, under my t-shirt, cupped my breasts and said, “*WHOA, FUCK.*” I instantly panicked and thought something like, “What the hell’s wrong with my boobs?” I quickly reached up and grabbed his hands and splurted out, “*WHAT!?*” He replied with something like, “*They’re so big!*” I was shocked and giggled nervously. In thinking about it now, he’d only ever been with really small Asian girls, his long-term girlfriend was really small and petite and very flat-chested too. My 34B cup must have felt like quite a handful in comparison.
David’s hands were quite large, in keeping with his stature, and they felt warm and heavy on my chest. I felt awkward but horny. My arm that was side-on to him had nowhere to go, so I raised it up and rested it on my head. I leaned back in towards him a little and let him explore. I was close enough to smell that nice man smell from him, and a hint of aftershave too, not overpowering at all.
At one point in the past when we’d been talking, I mentioned I didn’t have very sensitive nipples, I felt that they didn’t have a lot of sensation and I didn’t really play with them, or have them played with much, during sex. During this boob feeling session, he decided to give one nipple a massive pinch, and I barely reacted to it at all, maybe just a little intake of air – probably a lot less of a reaction that he was expecting. He chuckled slightly at that.
After a bit, things went pretty quiet. All we could hear was each other’s breathing and a little rustling of movement. I don’t really know how long we sat like that. I had promised it would only be a minute long… but was it two minutes, three? It was very sensual and I knew I was feeling pretty aroused with the whole experience, and I quietly and a little gruffly said, “*I think it’s been more than a minute…*” He let out a tiny little exhalation of what I thought could have been disappointment and slid his hands back down again. I moved off the bed and stood up, and I could actually feel the wetness between my legs.
I had to leave soon after so we had a hug and said a slightly awkward goodbye, as I left to catch the next bus back to my hotel. During the whole bus journey, I sat there feeling my own wetness, and replayed the details in my head, over and over, clarifying the memories. To date, it’s one of the most sensual experiences I’ve had and I regularly revisited it in my own mind, remembering the arousal and the amazing feelings of horniness – even though there was no actual sex involved. I got back to my hotel and masturbated furiously, of course.
That evening, David messaged me to ask if I was alright, and I told him I was, just a bit embarrassed and awkward about it. He wanted me to visit him again the following day though, and I wanted it too.
The next morning, I made another bus journey consisting of excited feelings and wet panties. The morning played out in a similar fashion… we watched some other crappy movie, just happy being beside each other instead of a couple thousand miles apart and communicating by text. After the movie, we just lay and talked for a couple hours. At one point, David gently took my hand and started playing with it, tracing patterns, studying my fingers. It was only a couple years after this that I read somewhere online, that if a guy plays with your hand… he wants you. I didn’t really take the hint, and I also didn’t want to make the “first” move, so to speak. That might sound silly, but it seemed to make sense at the time.
As we lay and talked about nothing and everything, we were slowly creeping closer to each other in the bed, almost imperceptibly so. After a while, when we were incredibly close and I was lying on his arm, he grunted and pulled me in towards his body. I snuggled into his chest, smelling that nice, warm man-smell again… David still playing with my hand. As we hugged, our faces were also coming closer together and things went pretty quiet for a while. I don’t know who made the first move in terms of kissing the other, but we were mere centimetres apart when it happened. We kissed quietly and gently, for a short while, maybe it was only a few seconds. We both smiled and I think I said something like, “*I’ve been wanting to do that for quite a while.*”
David said, “*Me too.*”
I remember feeling very excited and I could feel a growing ache in my groin, it was seriously craving some stimulation. There was no way we were going to make love, but there was lots of other fun that could be done – and we also had to avoid David’s groin… for medical reasons! We continued to kiss each other, exploring bodies, relishing in the fact that we could physically touch each other after the many months of mere virtual contact. David started to undress me slowly, to get another feel of the breasts which he’d seemed to enjoy so much the day before.
When he took off my top and bra, he had a lot of fun sucking my nipples which I think were a lot more sensitive than the day before. I remember him lying in the bed, with me straddling him, my breasts hanging down towards his face, David looking up at me while he licked and caressed them.
He slid one hand inside my jeans, right down to find the wetness already there, and slid a finger or two inside me. I was so ready for it; I ground down onto his hand with need. After a very short while of this, I came… right there in my jeans.
Eventually, I was totally naked. David commented on how pale I was… I’m so white that I’m almost grey! The sunshine rarely caresses my skin, especially not in my intimate areas which are incredibly pale. David’s chocolate skin on the other hand, was a severe contrast to mine and it looked amazing seeing our two naked bodies alongside one another, intertwined.
Even though David wasn’t supposed to for the aforementioned medical reasons, he was literally begging to slide his cock into me…, “*Just a tiny bit, please*” he said, over and over. But I was on top, I was in control and I was calling the shots. My pussy was just soaking wet and I was rubbing it up and down him, but I refused to let his cock pop inside me, even if only for a tiny bit. We both wanted it badly, but I didn’t want to go that far.
We kissed, we played, I came a few more times from David’s deft handiwork…
Eventually it was time for me to scarper before Lara came home from work that day. I was flying out of the country the next morning too… so things felt really urgent when David and I were making out and playing, knowing that to touch each other couldn’t happen again any time soon, if ever.
We said our goodbyes and I got on the bus again… my pussy still absolutely soaking wet. I replayed the past couple days in my mind, memorising the sensations, sounds and smells, in order to be able to re-live the moments by simply closing my eyes, any time I wished.
David and I still keep in touch, and have had a few more raunchy encounters in the years since the above events. David split up with Lara a few months after the above liaison. He wanted me to emigrate and have his babies (!), but that was all a bit much for me. :D I’m still with the same partner, but the above story is my little secret. I’m not telling anyone about it… well, except you guys…. Don’t tell.