Surprised by Nicole…and Savannah [MFMF] [group] [voy] Part 1

Shortly after I posted the experience that Kevin and I had with Joy, I received several DMs. Most questions were from men wanting to know which bar we picked up Joy, but two Redditors sent messages offering to serve as “Joy” for our next trip. The first was a knockout 20-something with a killer body (she frequently posts at r/gonewild). Unfortunately, we could never work out anything with her, but that may have been a blessing in disguise.

Nicole was the second one to reach out. Over several weeks of messages and texts, I learned that Nicole was our age, mid-forties. She was from a fairly rural town a few hours from where Kevin and I lived. Nicole told me that she was married but had a hall pass from her husband. She went on to explain that they had married young. Their sex life had ended shortly after the birth of their only child about ten years prior. She became suspicious that he was cheating. He was a prominent preacher at a Southern Baptist megachurch in their hometown. It was worse than she had imagined. She caught him one evening with the choir director, who happened to be a man. She threatened divorce, but that would have destroyed his career if his infidelity had leaked. They agreed that she could have relations outside of their marriage as long as she kept them discrete and out-of-town. The final requirement was to continue in the role of the happy housewife. She agreed, but discovering her husband with another man had wrecked her self-confidence for several years.

Surprised by Joy [MFM]

I’ve never been able to tell this story. Two things have prevented me from sharing. First, I’m happily married, and I don’t want her to know, and second, no one would believe me. This story is true to the best of my memory. I was a little drunk that night.

My best friend, Kevin, and I both have incredibly stressful jobs. We like to get away about once a quarter and blow off some steam. For years, it has been our tradition to pick a random city, flyout to it, and barhop all day. We usually stay the night in an Airbnb to sober up and fly back the next day.

This time, we were in south Florida. We spent the whole day enjoying the local dive bars and we were winding down the night. Our last stop was a very cool retro arcade/bar. Unfortunately, the place was dead. There may have been 6 people in the whole place. It was a weeknight and not many people were still out.

Towards the back of the bar was an air hockey table. He and I started challenging each other to games with the loser buying the next round of drinks. That’s when Joy and Amber walked up and asked to join the competition.

Surprised by Joy [MFM]

I’ve never been able to tell this story. Two things have prevented me from sharing. First, I’m happily married and I don’t want her to know, and second, no one would believe me. This story is true to the best of my memory. I was a little drunk that night.

My best friend, Kevin, and I both have very stressful jobs. We like to get away about once a quarter and blow off some steam. For years, it’s been our tradition to pick a random city, flyout to it, and barhop all day. We usually stay the night in an Airbnb to sober up and fly back the next day.

This time, we were in south Florida. We spent the whole day enjoying the local dive bars and we were winding down the night. Our last stop was a very cool retro arcade/bar. Unfortunately, the place was dead. There may have been 6 people in the whole place. It was a weeknight and not many people were still out.

Towards the back of the bar was an air hockey table. He and I started challenging each other to games with the loser buying the next round of drinks. That’s when Joy and Amber walked up and asked to join the competition.