Family friend[M/F]

There is this girl I’ve known for a long time. Lets call her Vee. Our families live on the same street. Her older brother is older than me but we hang out like as if we are the same age while she is the same age as my younger brother. Because of this huge age gap which is like 5 years, I hardly talk to her and see her as my younger sister and I couldn’t even try anything with her because of her brother. That was about to change soon.

Last summer, my rottweiler gave birth to a few puppies. This family were also looking for a dog but didn’t know that we were selling. Our dog vet eventually told them that we were selling and they came over once in a while to choose one and watch it grow to the age to be taken away. Eventually, they bought and took the dog home. As first time owners, I was asked by my dad to go to their house and help them settle the dog. That was when I saw Vee.