Christmas comes early, Part Three [F70] [f40] [Lesbian] [Age Gap] [Mature] [Scenting] [Pussy play]

By the time December came to an end Lynne and Roni’s relationship had grown more and more intense – the more they played and explored each other the further they both wanted to take it. Sex drives that had lain dormant were suddenly awakened – the stepmom and stepdaughter barely able to keep their hands of each other. Sometimes there was an urgency to their newly formed physical bond, at other times hours were given over to cuddling, kissing and stroking each other.

Entwined on Lynne’s bed the pair had welcomed in the New Year with their own ‘fireworks’ and now the women lay spent on their sides facing in to each other, catching their breath between soft kisses and adoring looks.

Roni gazed at her stepmom’s soft, lined face… like Lynne’s body it carried all the lines, folds and stresses of her seventy years but as far as Roni was concerned Lynne was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“We should make some New Year resolutions,” Roni suggested, “there’s so much I want to do with you Mom”

“Really?” asked Lynne “Like what? Places we can go together, holidays, shopping, meals out? ”

Christmas comes early. Part 2 [F70] [f40] [Lesbian] [Age Gap] [Mature] [Pussy licking] [Mommy]

Lynne looked down at the woman nuzzling between her legs. She was utterly conflicted – what was happening was wrong on so many levels but also felt so right. Her mind was telling her that she should stop this from going any further, brush it off as an alcohol-induced mistake and never mention it again… Lynne’s body however was telling her to let it happen.

Stealing herself to put a halt to proceedings Lynne placed her hands gently on either side of her stepdaughter’s head, fully intending to lift it away from her crotch. Almost as if sensing her stepmom’s impending decision Roni instinctively sucked Lynne’s long inner labia into her mouth.

The simple action changed everything as Lynne’s body totally betrayed her, with a warmth she hadn’t felt in over three decades suddenly spreading from her core to her extremities – over-riding any rational thoughts. Instead of pushing her stepdaughter away, her right hand grasped the base of Roni’s plaited braid and she pulled the younger woman’s face into her pussy.

Christmas comes early. Part 1 [F70] [f40] [Lesbian] [Age Gap] [Mature] [Oral]

Forty-years-old, childless, a failed marriage and back living at home with her seventy-year-old stepmother. It wasn’t quite how Veronica had thought things would turn out.

Neither though had she ever imagined that she’d now be in an intense sexual relationship with a significantly older woman, and certainly not with the older woman who had helped raise her from a relatively young age. To say life had taken some unexpected turns was something of a gross understatement.

Both women were painfully aware that they’d strayed far beyond the boundaries of what was socially acceptable. Just because they weren’t breaking any laws, just because there was no blood bond between them the world was not going to look favourably either on their age-gap or more importantly the family ties that bound them. But no matter how hard they tried to push things back to a platonic footing they’d failed miserably. Instead, they’d now consciously chosen to embrace what they had… and each other.

Trying to stop the intimacy had previously left them both deeply depressed. Both left craving the utter safety and sexual trust they felt in each other’s arms – a blissful refuge in stark contrast to the turmoil and abuse they’d both suffered at the hands of their respective husbands – one of whom had been Veronica’s father.

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Nine [FMf] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe] [humiliation] [piss] [orgasm]

Mali scurried from her car and down Freya and Seth’s driveway to their front door… praying that their neighbours wouldn’t spot her. The cold night air and heavy rain doing little to alleviate her discomfort. She badly needed to go to the bathroom, the two pints of water she’d drunk as ordered before leaving had made her bladder uncomfortably full. She desperately wanted to scratch her breasts and pussy too – having to endure a 20 minute drive with bra and knickers stuffed full of her own used hair-waxing strips was not an experience she would recommend.

As she left herself in to their house she glanced nervously at the doorbell camera, knowing full well that she was being watched. Pausing briefly in the hallway she fought the urge to try and quickly use the toilet in their downstairs bathroom and instead opened the door to their warm guestroom. She’d stayed in this room many times before as Freya and Seth’s friend, but while it still looked familiar… the brass bedstead, the oak furniture and the two small leather armchairs… tonight, as their perverted ‘thing’, the room felt very different.

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Eight [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe] [humiliation]

Seth and Freya sat propped up against the headboard of their bed. They’d deliberately saved listening to Mali’s audio file until the mundanities of the day were well out of the way. Putting his phone between them Seth hit play. Twenty five minutes later and they stared at each other in disbelief… “Well, that was unexpected.” mused Seth, whose shorts spectacularly failed to hide his erection. “Quite” giggled Freya whose right hand had strayed into her pyjama bottoms and was firmly between her thighs “Who would have thought that she’d have cum while being waxed. I think the little task for our filthy girl sort of back-fired.”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Quite the opposite.” said Seth. “We wanted her to feel humiliated, we certainly achieved that! She sounded so embarrassed.” “Still” replied Freya, “I think we should punish her for having an orgasm without us being there. I know we never stipulated it but I sort of feel cheated. You know, we never did decide what we wanted to do with those used waxing strips we made her embarrassingly ask for.”

“Oh, I think I have a good idea” said Seth, rolling in to kiss his wife. “Why don’t you and I talk it through while we have a little fun!”

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Seven [FMf] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe] [humiliation] [waxing]

Mali took a deep breath, opened up the ‘voice note’ app on her phone, hit record and pushed open the door to the beauty salon. Seated behind the reception desk was the antithesis of herself, the very opposite of what her owners Freya and Seth were intent on shaping her to be. The receptionist was young, slim to the point of skinny, heavily made-up, a tan that definitely hadn’t come from sunshine and hair so straight and lustrous it almost defied belief. Mali’s self-consciousness went up another notch and she felt herself blushing as she stood there dressed in a shapeless smock-style linen dress, flat shoes, frizzy hair brushed but not styled, face free of cosmetics and her chunky, pale, hairy, lower legs on show.

Before Mali even had a chance to speak the receptionist called out “You’ll be here for the bikini waxing appointment then. Shannon’s waiting for you in Room Two, second door on the left.” The couple of other women waiting in the front of the salon looked up from their phones as Mali walked past, her face reddening further at the receptionist’s lack of discretion.

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Six [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe]

Mali woke late, having slept soundly for the first time in months. Coming to in the tangle of her duvet she realised that she was still wearing the dress that she’d come home in last night from Freya and Seth’s. She recalled the drive home and managing to get in the front door of her house but after that exhaustion had overtaken her and quite how she’d gotten herself to bed she couldn’t remember.

As she emerged from sleep she became increasingly aware that she was badly in need of a shower. Her hair was a knotted mess and it, and her body, smelt strongly of her own stale sweat and urine. Mali felt herself flush with shame as she remembered her inability to control her bodily functions as Freya had spanked numerous orgasms out of her. Reaching down she tentatively touched her tender pussy, it still felt swollen and was sensitive to the point of painful.. Freya certainly had a fearsome ability to hit the right spot. The dull ache into her pelvis reminded her too of the weight she’d been forced to hold inside herself and later ordered to ‘birth’ out.

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Five [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [stretching] [tpe] [forced orgasm]

Mali had been ordered back onto her feet three more times in that first session. There probably would have been a fourth if Freya’s hands hadn’t started to ache with the countless repeated blows to her friend turned thing’s buttocks and pussy. Mali’s usually pale sizeable bottom cheeks had been left bright red and sore while Seth’s description of her pussy during the final inspection as ‘raw’ was spot on.

That inspection had been Freya’s suggestion following Mali’s final collapse to the floor.. the woman left lying shaking and curled in ball in a puddle of her own mess and lube… a potent mix of her pussy’s wetness, sweat, tears, lube and most embarrassingly of all, her own urine. Mali had found herself betrayed by her bladder as each orgasm had hit. Maybe it was the sheer force of them, they were certainly bigger and more consuming than anything she’d ever experienced before, the drinks she’d had to calm her nerves before arriving at their house hadn’t helped either, but the six small but heavy metal balls still firmly filling her pussy seemed to have been the tipping point.

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Five [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [stretching] [tpe] [spanking]

Mali hurt, inside and out, body and soul – and yet she was calmer than she had been for months. The events of the last week had certainly distracted her thoughts away from the more destructive places in her mind. Whether or not being so committed on her descent into depravity and dehumanisation was truly the panacea she so desperately needed, well, only time would tell. But for now at least she was increasingly focussed on becoming whatever Seth and Freya demanded.

Events in Mali’s first session with her friends (or should that now be keepers?) had taken an increasingly sadistic turn as Freya’s frustrations with her own life and work suddenly found a release in the woman bent over, naked and humiliated in front of her. Having removed her gloved fingers from Mali’s pussy Freya had suggested that perhaps the best course of action to start the ruining of their plaything was to get her body used to being full…

Mali’s descent into depravity Part Four [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [stretching] [tpe]

With a week to go before the first session Mali was already theirs, ‘a thing’, ‘an object’ that for at least the next six months they now effectively owned. The scale of responsibility was both unsettling and exciting – not least with Mali’s last ‘ask’ for her pussy “to be gloriously ruined… broken”. Initially it had troubled Freya, who as a mother knew what it was like to have herself physically ‘rearranged’ by giving birth – why would someone choose to deliberately, permanently and brutally change that part of themselves without the resulting gift of a child? Freya was all too aware of the changes her body had undergone – not least the struggle to control her bladder when exercising hard and the need to be a little less wanton when having sex.