I (19m) ate a girl (19f) out and she fainted and bonked her head [MF]

The title kind of gives it away, so I guess I’ll get dinged for that, just like Emma dinged her head. But here’s the somewhat more fleshed out version.

Near the beginning of my sophomore year I met this girl at the gym. Her name was Jaimie, she was a freshman. We had a friendly competition in who could bench more. And before she left I got her number. I called her the next day and we spontaneously went out on a kinda-sorta date. Ended up really getting along. We made out in my dorm room at the end of the day. Then I ate her out on my bed. After like ten minutes, she was getting real into it…arching her body, moaning, stroking my head with one hand. And with a few sharp inhales “IT” happened for her…and I heard this THUD. And her legs fell away from my head. Something about her seemed different and I looked up. This girl had passed the fuck out! She’d hit her head on my bed frame and passed out.

It was only for a few seconds, really. Just long enough for me to realize what had happened. She fluttered her eyes and said, “Ow…did I just faint?”

Cunnilingus Walk-ins (2 in a weekend) [MFF]

I’m 22. This is a funny story from a couple years ago.

Girl #1 I was hooking up with was Addy. She was a cute freshman with short hair and glasses – a look which she managed to pull off by the way…One rainy day in January I was giving her head in her dorm room. She began moaning pretty loudly, which prompted me to spread her legs a little. I held her legs apart and flicked my tongue a little deeper in her now expanded pussy…and suddenly her roommate walks in. We’d even left Netflix playing on her computer, generally a signal that yo, there’s some sex going on right now. This chick still flings the door right open! I was a little surprised Addy didn’t hear or just didn’t do anything about it – she kept on scratching my head and moaning – and at first I didn’t quite register it either. Then I sort of noticed out of the corner of my eye (because her legs were still spread and I was licking side to side) that the door was open and a figure was standing there…and I did what one of my friends had joked you should do in this situation: just look at the person, nod and smile, and go right back to doing what you’re doing.

Two girls in one night my (19m) freshman year of college [MFF]

This happened three years ago now…I’ve had plenty of other fun times before and after but this one almost takes the cake so far in my 22 years lol. Just let me know what you think.
In my freshman year I was – still am to some extent, I’ll be real – a horny, narcissistic, drinking, pot smoking dumpster fire. I was dating someone who will be called Kat, who was a senior. I was a freshman…I just have a thing for older chicks, what can I do about it? We weren’t really good to each other. She was bi-polar and got into these vicious moods, sometimes was physically abusive. Whereas I’d already cheated on her once and sometimes manipulated her neediness to my advantage. We had a big fight in her apartment one day in February and I was kicked out. We were apparently on a break, again (nothing had been explicitly stated, but we both obviously needed to cool off). For our last break I’d actually gone like, 9 days without getting laid before we made up, and it was torture.
This time, I couldn’t go that long, I was too far gone into sex addiction. So I asked out Megan (18), who I knew from my criminal justice class. She was a cute brunette with freckles and a sort of shy personality who will open up to you if you give her enough time. I’d already flirted with a lot. At first–as she would tell me–she wasn’t sure about me/thought I was gross, but I could sense she’d come around to my…charms. Yeah. She was hesitant about going on a date. But I persisted and that Friday or Saturday (forget which), we went out for pizza. Got to know each other a bit. I then took her to my buddy’s “cocktail party.” In quotation marks because it had just devolved into teen drinking by the time we got there. I brought this large bottle of Tanquerey I still haven’t paid Kat back for (except in sex, which I gave to her twice the night she bought it…I think it was that night).
We were drinking and socializing and feeling each other, but I still had to up the ante with Megan. So I started hitting on this rando in plain sight of her. Just some girl who I had no intention of hooking up with, though she was hot. Sometimes this backfires, but with Megan it worked. What I mainly remember about rando girl was she was wearing a necklace. I did a thing where I scooped her necklace up in my hand and told her how nice it was, and asked her about it, while not letting it go. I’d done the same with Megan earlier. Sheer dumb luck with necklaces, that night…

I 20[M] go down on girl on a couch in front of other people [MF]

So title kind of says it all, granted…but how about I fill in a few more details.
Her name was Pira. I knew her through my work study job in the dining hall. She was a little trailer trashy and people made jokes about how she was slutty. But they had no evidence except for the way she dressed, I guess. She had dirt curly blonde hair and a tattoo on one arm. I didn’t care if she was a slut or not, was focused on other girls at the time. I still wanted to get with her though. She and I got into this thing where we gave each other a different kind of high five whenever we passed in the halls. I came up with some good high fives. Made her laugh. So that was the beginning of it I guess.
Later I ran into her at this house party off campus. Actually she ran in to me. Came up and put her hands on my shoulders and made me spill my beer. She was super apologetic and it gave me the upper hand on things that night. So just get into a situation where a hot girl makes you spill your beer and you’ll be fine or something lol.
We hung out with a couple of her friends, drank more and smoked some of my weed. We ended up making out in the kitchen, awkwardly against the counter. Then I said we should get out of there and she agreed but was pretty out of it…eyes glazed, body-tired. So we sat down on the nearest couch–by now its the end of the party and people have either mostly gone home or to sleep- and just cuddled for a while. At some point I thought fuck it, nobody’s watching and I’m bored, let’s just hook up on this couch. I was concerned that she’d fallen asleep on my arm, but when I kissed her she made an humming sound and said “right here?” I asked if that was cool and she said “Uh…whatever?” And laughed. We made out on the couch, me on top, and I moved down her neck and her chest. No real plan here, just seeing how far we could go. I made my way down to her bellybutton and unbuckled her belt and her pants. Worked my hand around her mound on the outside of her underwear. She panted and chuckled some. I fingered her for real for a while before going down on her. Her top was still on…her pants were just completely off. Rubbing against my neck while I pleasured her.
Pira rubbed at my head and made fluttery moaning sounds while I licked and fingered and…this might sound ridiclous, I know, but it was only when I came up for air to get a better position that I realized there were actually other people in the room. As in, those mounds of sleeping bags off in the corner actually were people sleeping. I know because I saw one of them move. It freaked me out for a second…I looked at Pira and her eyes were shut and she seemed to have no idea. So I just thought, K, whatever, they’ll never know. And dove back between her legs. She rubbed the back of my head and got wetter and moved her legs around. I changed my tongue up from sides to sides to ups and downs. Finally she said “fuck fuck fuuuucck…” and she twisted around on the couch and her legs drew together. And almost at the same time I heard some dude say, “what the fuck…I can’t believe you guys. Get out of here.”
Then Pira was suddenly alert to the situation and got up and said “Oh my god…what?!” Pretty loudly. She got dressed and I went out with her and said I didn’t know there was someone there…she said it’s cool, I know, it’s cool, I just want to get home now. I offered to take her home and she declined.
Do I feel a little weird about this? Yes. Was it still kind of funny? Yes. Have I told people about it? Not

I [19m] banged a girl [19f] on someone’s couch–and was seen/heard! [MF]

I’ll try to keep it brief lol. Last year at college I had sex with this girl I knew socially at a party off campus. I knew we were mutually into each other. Let’s call her Kate. She’s a brunette with a nose ring. I’ll describe her that way. We’d had sex once before. I guess we were fuck buddies.

I didn’t even know she would be there and thought the party was boring, intended to leave…until she came up behind me and was like “hey.” She hung out with me and a couple friends and we got progressively drunker and more stoned–did some coke even–and at some point we were making out on the stairs. I didn’t want to bring her back to my place for several reasons, one being the cold ass weather, so i convinced her to come to this one empty (so I thought) room in the house when the party was dying down. We lay down on the couch and got busy. I was about to go down on her, realized the door was open, shut it, went down on her…the whole time I was giving her tongue Im thinking hehehe we’re totally getting away with this.

When I [20m] fucked two girls in one night [MFF]

How’s everybody doing? I’ll share my story from last year at college, and for starters I get it, I come across as a total sex ADDICT. But you can’t deny that this is pretty hot (if you’re straight anyway) and also maybe I have become an addict/whatever the male version of nymphomaniac is. Ha.

I was dating someone who will be called Kat, who was a senior. I was a freshman…I just have a thing for older chicks, what can I do about it? We weren’t really good to each other. She is most likely bi-polar and got into these vicious moods, whereas I’d already cheated on her once and sometimes manipulated her neediness to my advantage. We had a big fight in her apartment one day in February and I was kicked out. We were apparently on a break, again (nothing had been explicitly stated, but we both obviously needed to cool off). For our last break I’d actually gone like, 9 days without getting laid before we made up, and it was torture lol.