His secret sin

Inspired by u/beautifullybrkn here is my take on secret sin.

The only light in the bedroom was from the vintage 1990s digital alarm clock on his nightstand.
He glanced over at it. 3:24, exactly two minutes later than the last time he looked. He had been awake since 3:00 and was staring blankly at the ceiling, thoughts racing through his head,
wishing he could go back to sleep. He turned the other way and could make out her profile in the dark, laying on her side next to him. He knew what he needed, as it had been several days since his last release. But she couldn’t know. She couldn’t know how much or how often he needed the release.

Instinctively, he reached between his legs, feeling his soft cock twinge a bit under his palm. He could do this, and it would be just what he needed to relax his mind so he could sleep. Just the thought of having a release caused his cock to stiffen a bit as he pushed the covers to the side and wrapped his hand around the shaft. Slow strokes, that is what it would take.