The Huntress [FF][NC][Bd][Fdom][Tentacles]

“Dwight lookout!” Meg screamed as she pointed to the stunned deer that appeared around the bend. Dwight instinctually pulled the wheel to the left as the car’s tires screeched into the northern California moonlight. The laughter from moments ago turned into screams as the passengers felt a sense of weightlessness as the car fell through the air. Dwight gripped the steering wheel as tight as he could. He closed his eyes and prayed that everything would be ok. If it wasn’t for the pure gut wrenching fear he was experiencing, he could have almost laughed. This was just his luck. He knew it was too good to be true when Meg Thomas, the school’s star track runner, invited him to a Halloween party at her family’s cabin. He didn’t know why she asked him. Maybe this was just another attempt at humiliation, and he would be left naked in the woods again like his work retreat. Although, it was more than likely that it was due to him being one of the few people in their dorm with a vehicle. Dwight was always more cautious than careless. He was close to saying no, but the excited looks of Jake and Claudette changed his mind. Any other night would have been a no, this night just happened to be different. His thoughts were interrupted at the sound of crushing steel, shattering glass, and snapping wood. He felt himself turning over and over like laundry in a dryer. It was ear deafening loud, the pain was overwhelming, but then it was over.