[MF] My girlfriend’s libido increased thanks to The Sims 4 and the witcher

*Disclaimer*: I originally posted this on r/sex, but it got deleted there, because I am not seeking advice with this post. However, it would be fun to discuss and head,what effect games have on you and your relationship!

TL: DR: My girlfriend plays The Sims 4 with a sexual mod pack, gets horny and proceeds to have sex with me. Can‘t complain, just wanted to share.

Alright. I thought hard about what subreddit to post it on and ended couldn’t decide. So here it goes.

For a couple of months now, my girlfriend and I were having less and less sex. Her libido was low, mine was and still is very high.

On her laptop, she used to play The Sims 4. But since it is not a gaming laptop, the game ran slow and wasn’t enjoyable (in my humble opinion). As an IT enthusiast, I offered her to install the game on my newly upgraded PC and play it there. Not knowing the difference it would make, she agreed and doesn’t want to go back. Understandable.