I(F) met a girl named Ainslee, and we went on an adventure….

When I was 21, I met Ainslee at our gym. Ainslee was, with out a doubt, one of the only women I’ve ever met who was so beautiful she took my breath away. She was taller than me at 5’8”, but had big, beautiful high breasts that bounced when she laughed. Her hips flared into beautiful thick thighs that seemed to go on for ages, and her ass was high and firm. This was a girl who knew how to squat, and did it often. Green eyes and hair colored a million shades of purple, blue, and dark red, she bounced along to her music in her earbuds. When I saw her jogging in athletic leggings and an oversized sweatshirt on the treadmill, I immediately felt myself drawn to the machine next to her, and struck up conversation.

After a few weeks of daily talks, we finally had a chance to hang out. We spoke about it the day before about heading to a local club known for shenanigans. I had brought my usual number for clubbing – A skin tight strapless purple dress, nylons, and calf length boots shoved haphazardly into my gym bag. While simple, it complimented my olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes, and gave me some height to my 5’1”. It also gave me a good semblance of an ass, and perked up my 32C tits with out the need for a bra. I found myself wondering what Ainslee would wear to match her colorful hair, and pale soft skin.