I [TF]20 Met and Fucked a Girl [TF]25 On My Friend’s Couch.

Disclaimer: I have changed the names of everyone involved.


Alissa was a friend of a friend at the time, and we met by concidence at their place. I was hanging out when she came by to say hello, and joined us on the couch for a movie.

From the very beginning I could feel tension brewing between us. The way we looked at each other, the gentle atmosphere eminating from her. Something was there that I could not let go.

Alissa smelled like cigarettes.
She was tall and strong, with long curly blonde hair.
She carried herself with a comforting sense of soft self assurance.
I must have seemed like a fragile doll to her, over a foot shorter than her and very thin and frail.

I made some small, dumb joke to her, and the smile she gave could make angels weep.

Our friend had known us both for a long time, so when they had to run a sudden forgotten errand, we were welcome to keep hanging out and finish the movie until they got back.

Then while me and Alissa were laughing at one of the scenes, our arms brushed one another.
My heart waltzed.
She had me.