Part 1
part 2
We took it slow, Sondra and I. We’ve known each other for about 10 years and recently reconnected. She used to be my roomate all those years ago, but we were both dating other people. She was in massage school at the time and she used to practice on me. But this time the timing was good – we were both single as 2016 wound to a close. And we were now old enough to know that good things are worth waiting for.
First, she added me on a social network. Then out of the blue I got a text, inviting me over to her house to a potluck. Nobody else came to the potluck, so it was just me and her and her son. We were consoling each other about the election result. We jumped on the trampoline and then a few days later I booked a massage with her.
Then a week or so later, I texted her by accident when I was trying to text my cousin. Sorry I texted the wrong person! I said.