A sample of my writing any feedback is welcome

James was nervous, he was sure what was about to happen. He had never had an encounter like this before, of course he had slept with his share of women but none of those occasions were like this. As the woman in the doorway kept gesturing towards him James started towards her, his heart was pumping out of his chest, he looked around him to make sure nobody was watching. He didnt know why he cared if anyone was watching, maybe a little part of him felt like what he was doing was illegal as anything he had done before that caused his heart to beat like this was, in fact, illegal. With every step James grew more nervous, his knees grew more weak and his stomach filled with more and more butterflies.

Before he had a chance to doubt himself he was standing within touching distance of this random woman. Both of them stood there, again staring deep into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity before James decided to speak. As he took the shallow breath before he spoke the woman stopped him in his tracks, pressing her finger against his lips. She didnt want him to speak, she didnt need him to, their eyes were saying everything that their lips wanted to.

Strangers in the night

My first attempt at writing anything, if anyone thinks its any good I can finish the story or if not any constructive criticism would be welcomed. thanks peeps

As James was walking home one night after a long shift at the mill he was feeling quite tired and devoid of energy. Luckily for him there was a liquor store still open on his route home, so he went in and got a bottle of whiskey and some ice. James wasn’t a tall man but he was strong, years of working in the local wood mill had its advantages. Even though the work is tough it gives a man naturally strong arms and core. something which James had used on several occasions to seduce women.

Looking forward to getting home to open his bottle of whiskey James decided to take a shortcut home through a local housing development that had just been built. As he was walking along lost in his own thought James saw something from the corner of his eye, he stopped and turned on the spot to have a proper look. In a second story window he saw the silhouette of a woman, a naked woman. he couldn’t see much but he could tell she was naked and she had a beautiful curvy figure.