Amy’s unraveling (MF)

Amy’s unraveling.

The hard days of work in the medical field during a pandemic was taxing. The difficulty and the pace were a large part of what made the work exhausting, but it was the human element that really drove the fatigue in. Amy had been putting in extra hours, trying to help the office catch up on the backlog of patients and the exhaustion was telling.

On this particular Friday night, she had stayed over an extra two hours to make sure the charting was complete and accurate. When she stepped out of the office, into the parking lot, the night sky rested pensively over the city.

“Ugh, I need a drink.” She thought to herself as she walked to her car.

She drove the two blocks it took to get to “Pub lick”, the most recent addition to the downtown pub scene. She had been here before on two occasions, one of which she had met someone. As it would turn out, he was far to eager for a serious relationship. They had only been on three dates before he began to profess his love. While love was definitely something Amy desired, she didn’t want the imaginary variety. After that, she ended the courtship. Tonight, however, Amy was not in search of anything but anything that would turn off her mind.