New to New York. Might need a strong hand to guide me

The streets of New York were like a maze to me. They seemed simple in the movies, just squares with signs, how hard could that be? “Go straight for 3 blocks and take a left” is what I thought to myself, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. The sounds and fast paced lifestyle of New York was jarring to me, and truthfully, it still is. See, I’m from a small town in Oregon that’s just off the coast. Big skyscrapers and horns echoing through the streets are not what I’m used to. But I had a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, even if it did mean leaving my family and everything I knew behind. Today’s my first day at my new internship and look at the time, I’m already late and so, so lost.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I can’t resist her feet!

I walk into the dining room with the sound of harps and violins soothing the room. White and gold drapes flow from the windows, opening up to the bay. Boats and fisherman enjoying the cool autumn night as the moon illumining the water. Flashes of the moon light dance across the small ripples and waves. I look up to see a crystal chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, “at least 16th century” I think to myself.

“Welcome in sir, do you have a reservation?” The host asks, professionally. I snap back from my admiration and look to her
“Yes, sorry, it should be under smith?” I ask nervously, as this is the first time I’ve ever been to such a fine establishment.
“Yes, right here, 30 minutes early sir? You must be very punctual” she jokes, helping calm my nerves.
“Yes, I’m a but nervous to be frank, how do I look?” I ask, sheepishly. I look down and flatten my tuxedo, I think it looks good but it was the only one I can afford. It’s definitely not one to meet the queen in but hopefully it will do for tonight.
“You look splendid sir, though I would recommend a tailor for those sleeves. They look a tad bit long” she jokes, I think she can tell how nervous I am.
“Right this way sir” she starts guiding me to my table.