Wife and her new consulting client

It seemed like a normal potential consulting client call my wife took at first. She came back 45 minutes later with lots to say about this new man that wanted to hire her for weekly 1 hour calls.

“He says he has more time to work on side projects since he just took a job only earning 300k/year and he has moved to a lower cost area by the beach in Florida. So lucky! I’ve always wanted to live there. He says his old job he used to work 7 days a week but made a million a year. I told him I hope he’s single because.. that would be difficult for a wife!”

I momentarily noticed her last addition was in haste, and basically my wife admitted to asking a rich man if he was single. “Oh, thats really neat.” I thought about how we were just getting by and I was so happy to have finally saved up a few thousand dollars – not much compared to this guy apparently.

Part 2 of My wife and her old Bull

This is part two of yesterdays: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lykq59/i_couldnt_get_my_wife_pregnant_and_we_couldnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lykq59/i_couldnt_get_my_wife_pregnant_and_we_couldnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

My wife continued to spend long weekends at his place after we had kids, and I’d drop her off with the kids in the car seat. I began to suspect she was no longer trying to get pregnant, because I found birth control in the trash.

One weekend, her parents were watching the kids so I decided to go visit since I had not caught up with her lover for a while and he seemed like a nice guy. Usually, I had dinners over there every Sunday night. They’d go off into the bedroom afterwards. I usually watched through a crack in the door which my wife quietly made sure was there when I was there. He did not like me watching, and the one time he caught me, he told me to go home.

If she was on her period that week, he plowed her ass or fucked her face. He did that anyway, but on those weeks he really went heavy on the anal. When she was not on her period, I’d always climax quietly anytime I saw his semen fill her vagina.

I couldn’t get my wife pregnant, and we couldn’t afford adoption or IVF

I nervously approached her one night – we both really wanted a child. I knew my sperm was dead, and the letter from the doctor was still crumpled up in the trash. Inside, I knew she was upset, as her deep Catholic faith really convinced her she was destined to be a mother.

Our finances had taken a turn, but we were OK. We just could not afford adoption or IVF. I had an idea, but I did not know if she would go for it.

“Why don’t we get you a temporary husband, just for impregnation?” I nervously asked her after I had a few beers one night.

She seemed shocked, as if she had never thought about it. “That is absurd, I would never do that to you.”

I didn’t protest too much, but I added, “I’d do it for a child, wouldn’t you? It’s just sex, our love is stronger than that.”

She was quiet, but quietly spoke up, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I can help in every and any way, I will be here for you.”

She added, “I am not turned on by this, I love you and this is just biological reproduction for me.”