(MM) Respect Me Pt 1 ( Incest )

” Damien! ” I hate that name.

I got it legally changed years ago. Everyone else respects that but not him. Certainly not the  Incredible Batman . Incredible my ass a hebephrenic ephebophilic sex demon by day; a stalking lunatic in tights by night. Few know him like I do, I wish I wasn’t one of that few.

“Damien” He’s heavy sigh quickens my heartbeat as he bounds up the narrowed oak stairs. Many tricks I have used in the past few years have kept him well within arms length. His tenacity and brutish sexual appetite has just recently finally driven Timmy from the coop. Dick and Jason have been long gone after he torn a gapping hole in them during Christmas three years back.

I manage to escape by my teeth most nights, despite how rarely I dwell here. On that night in particular he threw a raging tantrum after I hadn’t drank from a specific cup. I found it strange how persist he had been. Going as far as baking cookies, which I didn’t even know he knew how to do.