[M4F] – The Roman Female Soldier

It’s the year of Calenus and Vatinius, In Rome. The greatest roman citizen, Caesar, had just crossed the Rubicon 2 years earlier, and was about to march into Africa.

You, Cassia, used to be a private roman citizen, living in Illyricum. With a loving husband, you cared to the duties that a woman should in the roman household. Cooking, cleaning, and keeping your man happy. You got really good at this last part, and enjoyed the nights of endless pleasure. He was actually worse at lovemaking then his other roman contemporaries, but you had no way of knowing.

But this was all before Caesar had crossed the Rubicon. In that time, Caesar forced all the regions of Rome to introduce a heavily controversial female conscription law that forced you into service. But you were more then happy to serve the empire. You were always a strong girl, even if you allowed yourself to be weak and docile in the presence of your husband and contemporaries. You would miss your husband’s lovemaking, but country comes first. Your love had already served his country, so he felt unwell at the idea of returning back

Categorized as Erotica

princess diary

It’s the night i’ve been dreading since… well… it feels like forever, but it’s only been a year since my dad decided to have me married off to a local king twice my age. Me, the 18 year old Lina of Essex, will be married off to some low life, low-endued, jerk from the northern country. Apparently it was a favor my daddy owed him for a campaign years past. Or… something along those lines. What would I know, as my father doesn’t allow me into the business of statecraft or history keeping.

However, it is not of misfortune that I consult you, my diary. But of fortune and luck! Today was my last night as an unmarried lady. But by last night as a virgin flower waiting to be picked, will not happen tonight. It happened last night, as today a man of service did what he felt his heart wanted to me. I’m shivering, and having a hard time holding the pen as I write this. I could not be more happy. My new man will not have the satisfaction of taking me physically. My knight saw to that

Mr. Key’s closset

It’s 1 pm, and school has just started. The only thoughts on your mind are driving you insane. That demn test you did last week. Mr Key is known for being really harsh on his grades, and he will find any reason to flunk you. You look up at him. Strange, he’s looking right at you, with an impatient steer. Does he always do that when you’re not looking?

People are getting called up. You see many relived faces, some indifferent. A dude covered his face and ran out the room upon seeing his grade. Honestly, you’re surprised he’s the only one, to be honest. Your friends all get out, looking very happy with their scores. You happened to hear one of them say “A-“. Your friends aren’t normally that bright. There are 5 people left now. Then 4, 3, 2… then it’s just you and him. He shuffles his papers and calls you forward. “Holly, your test score is here”. He looks dead into your eyes the whole time. You feel it like a hawk stalking it’s pray. You hold up the paper to your chest.