[MF] Testing Out Tinder Pt. 1 – Back Story

I was traveling abroad after a recent breakup and figured it was the perfect opportunity to try out Tinder – a service not available the last time I was single. I put together my profile with the help of some close female friends and turned it on a few days after I landed. I had no concept of Tinder in the US, but where I was, very few profiles had info, and many of the photos were pretty bad. On top of that, I was dodging descriptions that included pricing. After some mindless swiping, I was matched with a cute woman a year older than me (30s). We started exchanging simple messages back and forth and I suggested drinks on a Tuesday night. She asked if I spoke Spanish – not really. I asked if she spoke English – very little. I suggested that we could use Google Translate (GT) on my phone to communicate and she thought it sounded like fun.