[MF] I (45f) cheated on my husband (48m) of 20 years with a teen boy

This is the first time I ever cheated on my husband, or anyone, and all of my friends know him and our kids so I didn’t know where else to share it. Last weekend, I went to a corporate retreat at DisneyWorld. It was the usual boring stuff at a hotel during the day and then we get special access to the park. I spent a lot of time laying by the pool relaxing, sunning, etc. I got in to water to cool off and realized I’d left my towel on my chair, so I asked a guy walking past to hand it to me. He said sure and was handing it to me when a little boy ran past him too close, bumped the back of his legs and he ended up falling in. We both laughed about it and I complimented his athleticism for not landing on me. He said he’d done gymnastics and I was feeling a little bold I guess maybe the heat affected me, but I told him it showed and drubbed his bicep. It’s really out of character for me and I felt so awkward afterwards. I guessed he couldn’t have been more than 20, but he was really fit with lean muscle and abs and a nice smile, and he didn’t look at all bad in the pool!